Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wonders of today

Yesterday found Cora and I cooking our late Thanksgiving family dinner. We opted for roast beef and stuffing rather than the traditional turkey dinner.  Thought this was required since we didn't have the standard Thanksgiving events. 

Today Cora and I spent the whole day resting and we didn't get out of our pajamas.  It was a wonderful day of down time for me (no appointments to race too) and a wonderful day of healing for Cora.  Her appetite is slowly coming back and she seems less in pain today.

The amount of medicine that she takes three times a day is sometimes overwhelming.  I read the list three or four times when I am measuring the medicines for fear that I won't remember the right dose.   I imagine it is because I am so tired and drained from the past two weeks.  Yet, second guessing myself is not something I usually do.

Cora looks good today, but one of her hands is swollen more than the other.  Kind of wondering about that, not worried though.  The body has a way of healing itself and ridding itself of the foreign toxins that come from surgery.  Maybe this is just Cora's way of healing.

When Cora was napping today I decided to look through a book of inspiring quotes.  I found one by Winston Churchill that seems to have stuck with me.  It said, "Never, never, never give up!"  The wonders of today come with the inspiration that Cora never gives up and she is teaching her mama how to achieve that same attitude. And she is teaching me with much grace and dignity.

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