Sunday, November 6, 2011

Like a willow tree

I have learned during this experience with Cora that I have become a willow tree.  Not another kind of tree, for an Oak tree is very strong, but it is not flexible.  If a strong wind comes up the Oak tree fights against it. If a terrible storm comes upon it with a great amount of wind, the Oak tree will likely break instead of bend. 

Me, I am like a willow tree.  I am like Cora.  She just goes with the flow.  She smiles even when she is at her sickest.  She wiggles and flexes even when the nurses or doctors are having to cause her pain to make her better.  She cries against the injustice of it, and when the test or the medicine is over, she smiles and wiggles her toes.  Cora is happy to be here and is present in the moment.  Cora adjusts to the situation and bends freely.

Cora is teaching me how to be that willow tree.  That no matter what comes next, no matter what the weather is like on any given day of our journey, I must be that willow tree that bends and sways and curves and moves with the flow of the storm.  If I am like an Oak tree it is likely that I could break under the pressure of the storm or the suddenness of a turn of events on our journey.  Yet, if I am and if I become a willow tree, I will weather the storm, I will bend and flex with the next treatment or surgery that Cora needs, and I will survive the storm.  Maybe without a few leaves, but intact and smiling.

For I have learned a great lesson from my daughter.  If I am flexible I will bend with changes that might come our way.  If I am not flexible, I will break.  So, yes, I am a willow tree.....just like Cora Jean.

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