Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Accepting Intervention

Arrived this morning to find Cora still resting peacefully.  Yesterday was a hard day for her and much time was spent holding her hand and tapping her with the mallet to ease her breathing and get the mucus to come out of her lungs.  By three in the afternoon my dad and the other kids had traveled to see Cora and had given her all the kisses she could handle.  It was a long day for her.  Toward the evening Cora was terribly restless and acting like she was in pain.  Cora shows this by rolling from side to side and crying.  The nurse and I at first thought she was hungry because when we would wet her mouth with the sponge and sugar water she would suck it like it was the best tasting lollipop in the world.  After two hours of Cora being distressed she was given more morphine.  Last time they weaned Cora to quickly off the morphine and it resulted in the same behavior from Cora.  Once the pain meds were given Cora fell asleep and at one point was dreaming and even smiled a little.  It was so good to see that little smile.

This morning I was told that the doctors had rounded and were very happy with Cora's progress.  She is no longer on heart meds, only pain meds and they were going to move her to a moderate care room.  I left the unit to update the log and get some breakfast.  When I left they were removing one of the chest tubes (two still remain due to continued bleeding and drainage) and the Foley catheter was also being removed.  Around noon Cora will get to eat some formula by mouth in the hope that she will keep it down and will be able to keep feeding.

Despite the fact that Cora has had to endure two major open heart operations in the past two months, I have learned that there is God's hand working in all aspects of Cora's life.  Without having another bout of heart failure and needing this second operation, the posterior hole in her heart would have not been found.  Without that hole being found Cora would have again, at some point, possibly been suffering from heart failure.  Dr Bove said he was so glad he had found the hole that wasn't showing up on the Echo's and that the little hole had played a part in all of this was able to be repaired.  I ask you it a coincidence that Dr. Bove found a hole that was not visible in Cora's smaller heart at a younger age or divine intervention?

I have learned to accept many things during this journey.  It is easier to look back at the past two months and see how things have been going down a path that has been of a divine choosing.  Cora has been traveling this path with acceptance and no judgements.  I am learning how to do this.  I am learning to look for the divine intervention and remain in the optimistic outlook.  I am finding that my faith and acceptance is increasing and growing while I travel this journey.  I am eternally grateful that my hand holds one with a "Palmar's crease" during this walk.

Nov. 15, 2011 / Cora in PCTU
Nov. 15, 2011 / GG and Cora Jean


  1. She's already off the vent and everything! Great! You will be out of Pod A in no time! Take care.

  2. Thanks Missy. Love to you and your beautiful daughter.
