Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cora turns TWO

That's right. Cora hit her second birthday and she did it with grace, love and smiling the whole day.  Despite a fever from teething another front tooth, she played with her knew toy and ate her cupcake like a pro.

At one point, during eating her cupcake, the frosting was stuck to all of her fingers.  She looked at her sticky hands and said "What's that?".  I told her it was yummy frosting and she just kept looking at her fingers and trying to pull cupcake pieces off of them.   She ate the whole cupcake this year and it was a beautiful sight watching her have such joy and happiness, without concern for anything.

Later she was given her birthday gift that Papa and GG found for her.  It was a sit and push toy that was actually short enough for her to sit on and reach the ground with her feet.  She absolutely loved the noises it made, and was soon trying to push it with her feet.  She only goes backwards right now, but we all know the forward motion will be soon to follow.

This morning she conquered climbing onto the couch all by herself!  And very proudly turned around, and said "Hi" with a big smile.

Yes, Cora Jean continues to grow.  Both in health and IQ.  The biggest encouragement I could give any new parent of an infant with Down syndrome, or a soon to be parent is this....don't let society dictate to you what your baby will or won't do.  Instead teach them right from the beginning.  Learn sign language and use it with your baby, pretty soon they too will be signing with you and talking with you.  Read to your baby as often as possible and point to the pictures and sign the word.

Our children have the capability of gaining a good IQ if we believe it is possible and we give them every opportunity for that growth.  While Cora faces challenges everyday, she is surrounded with love.  She didn't need or have to have two parents ( I am still a single parent) to reach her milestones, she just needed the love and support of people who are around her each and every day.

Love your child and just as Cora has done, they will mature into a wonderful, beautiful, mindful and stubborn two year old child.  Just like all the other two year olds in your neighborhood.

Remember this, god doesn't make junk!  He creates us in his with that in mind, every time you look at Cora or your own child, you are looking at a part of his image.  You are only held back by your own limitations, not the belief of others!

Happy Birthday baby girl!  Mama is so proud of you....
Getting ready for birthday cupcakes

loving her cupcake and licking the frosting first

a successful couch climb

Monday, March 18, 2013

Triumphant first steps

I wanted to share a picture of Cora walking.  She still uses the assistance of someones fingers, but is getting braver by the day.  I look forward to nap times as it gives my back a break from all the walking with Cora.  I don't mind though, this is huge growth for her and I don't want to diminish that in any way.

I thought of a quote for today's blog and wanted to share it with you.  On Thursday, March 21, it will be World Down Syndrome day and with that and Cora's way of changing the lives of those she touches I wanted to close this post with a quote. 

"If I am not for others, who am I?  If not now, when?"

Sunday, March 10, 2013

If people with Down syndrome

For today's post is am going ot paste an attachment.  I recently read this article and found it uplifting, thought provoking and special.

It is my hope that as you take time out of your day to read my blog, you will also take time to copy and paste this address and read the article it takes you too.

Life, with Cora, continues to be interesting. She teaches me willingly and I remain her ever vigilant student.  Life is good and after reading the above article, maybe it will help you to better understand why I am honestly admitting that I continue to be Cora's student.

As always, we both wish you blessings and continued happiness as you continue this journey with us.

 Cora combing her hair after bathtime.