Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Unexpected Gifts

Whenever I sit here typing this blog I see the little stack of the medical bills that need to be paid.  I have been so worried about these bills that are starting to come in , as well as other normal household bills, that I haven't been sleeping very well. I am definately concerned with getting enough funds together to take Cora to Ann Arbor again while still meeting my other obligations. It has gotten to the point where I sing Cora to sleep and in the song I make up silly words about the angels coming and paying our bills.  Then this happened:

One of the local Down syndrome associations found out about Cora's upcoming surgery.  This is the group that helped me so much before Cora was born and sent me tons of information about Down syndrome.  After forwarding the information for Cora's blog, I received an email from them and they informed me that they were sending a monetary gift to help during the upcoming surgery. 

It was such a tremendous relief to hear this news.  Anyone who is a single parent knows the struggle that we face on a daily basis to support our children in the ways they need it.  Emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc. Let me just clarify that being a single parent with Cora is not a burden for I enjoy her presence and the other kids enjoy their sister.  Yet, it is a tremendous financial strain becuase of all of Cora's medical needs.  I am not one to tell people about the stress I am facing or the financial burden I am under because I just feel like it is my responsibility and not anyone elses, and truthfully noone wants to hear about that.

Then I receive the email that this group was sending me a monetary gift to help with Cora's surgery and my stay during that time at Ann Arbor.  To receive this gift, so freely given, brought tears to my eyes. A gift given with understanding and nothing expected in return. A kind of gift that touches the heart as much as it eases the financial strain.  A coincidence?  Nope, I believe it was divine intervention.

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