This year Christmas was filled with laughter, food and a healthy and happy Cora. Such a difference from last years quiet and reserved one. As her mama, I am so proud of her continuing success that she has achieved throughout the days that have passed since last Christmas.
Cora was enthralled and fascinated with the Christmas day and all the activities that were involved. She learned how to open her Christmas stocking and her three presents. At first she did not want to rip the paper on the presents (I have been really working with her on her being softer with her hands) but after a few examples from older sister she dived right in and opened the presents.
Cora's first love of the day was a baby doll that she found while rummaging around in her stocking. Santa was smart when he brought that gift for her as Cora fell instantly in love with her baby. She has this way of scooting herself in a circle while pivoting on her bottom and her day was filled with holding the baby doll and spinning around to watch what everyone else was doing. There was such a wonderful look of curiosity and amusement on her face that I found myself watching her reaction as much as watching the others open their presents.
During the day, no matter what she was playing with, she would look around and pick up her baby and rock it and kiss it. She was in love with her baby and spent the day nurturing that love. Such a blessing to see this baby girl loving and nurturing and playing. In between loving her baby doll she would sign "food" to anyone that was snacking and she was enjoying all the different tastes of the foods that were shared with her. At one point, she started to try and feed her baby doll some of her yummies!
As this year comes to a close and the new year is fast approaching I look forward to watching Cora continue to nurture her baby doll just as I will continue to nurture my own baby. I think I have the advantage though, my baby gives hugs and kisses...
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas is full of truths
Cora is exploring this season with the gusto of a normal , almost two years old, toddler. She may not be walking yet, but she can surely get around! She is being fitted for some ankle supports to help her with the standing part of her therapies and those will be delivered soon on Santa's sleigh. While it isn't a toy, it is something that Cora needs in her toolbox of success and I am sure she will understand that...besides, everything becomes a toy for Cora. She finds comfort in the simplest of things and can play for minutes on end with whatever she has discovered. Lately, she is enthralled with big sister's PSP handheld game.
Still, as the day of presents looms closer and closer, she is learning what this holiday is all about. learning these life lessons are an important part of her growing up into a thriving part of this family. Here are some of the life lessons she has learned in the past week:
1) You are not allowed to open other people's presents and ruin the surprise of what is inside because the other person might not appreciate it.
2) Wrapping paper does not make a good hat, it tears too easily and causes static cling in your hair.
3) When sampling goodies that a family member makes it is polite to only take one bite, even if you love the taste, and it is not polite to grab the item and squish it in your hand so you don't have to share.
4) Chocolate is amazing no matter what form it comes in....cookie, fudge, candy, etc.
5) Pushing the play yard with your hands and feet so you can be closer to the presents and the tree is allowed, however, reaching through the fence panel and pulling presents into your play yard is not a good idea.
6) singing into the empty roll left over from wrapping paper is fun! Its especially funny when you look in the bottom when big brother is singing into the top!
Along with these life lessons Cora has also learned new words with her signing. We are now up to her recognizing almost fifty signs, using twenty signs and still getting better at her verbalizing words. She continues to thrive in our house and we all continue to treasure the moments that we are sharing with her.
So, in keeping with the holiday season, we hope you are all feeling the love and blessings that come around this time of year. If you find yourself with nothing to do, make a wrapping paper hat and laugh out loud at your own discovery....that's what Cora does everyday!
Still, as the day of presents looms closer and closer, she is learning what this holiday is all about. learning these life lessons are an important part of her growing up into a thriving part of this family. Here are some of the life lessons she has learned in the past week:
1) You are not allowed to open other people's presents and ruin the surprise of what is inside because the other person might not appreciate it.
2) Wrapping paper does not make a good hat, it tears too easily and causes static cling in your hair.
3) When sampling goodies that a family member makes it is polite to only take one bite, even if you love the taste, and it is not polite to grab the item and squish it in your hand so you don't have to share.
4) Chocolate is amazing no matter what form it comes in....cookie, fudge, candy, etc.
5) Pushing the play yard with your hands and feet so you can be closer to the presents and the tree is allowed, however, reaching through the fence panel and pulling presents into your play yard is not a good idea.
6) singing into the empty roll left over from wrapping paper is fun! Its especially funny when you look in the bottom when big brother is singing into the top!
Along with these life lessons Cora has also learned new words with her signing. We are now up to her recognizing almost fifty signs, using twenty signs and still getting better at her verbalizing words. She continues to thrive in our house and we all continue to treasure the moments that we are sharing with her.
So, in keeping with the holiday season, we hope you are all feeling the love and blessings that come around this time of year. If you find yourself with nothing to do, make a wrapping paper hat and laugh out loud at your own discovery....that's what Cora does everyday!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Continuing forward
Cora made it to the Upper Peninsula Down syndrome Association Christmas party in Marquette this week. We were so fortunate to meet other families that have children similar in age to Cora and to see the development and skills of all ages. Our children are so different and yet so similar. One thing that was a definite given, all the children enjoyed the company of each other.
There was a little fella there that was a few months younger than Cora and Cora instantly wanted to hug him. She clapped her hands in happiness and hugged him really hard. Then she signed "baby" and "more" to be able to keep on hugging him. This little fella wasn't into older girls though and one hug was enough for him..haha!
For me, as a parent, it was rewarding to talk to a couple who's son is fifteen years old. I listened to there advice and their struggles from years past and took away a greater wealth of knowledge than what I arrived with.
This journey with Cora continues to teach me about always being open to new ideas and suggestions and not being closed to those very things.
While there this past weekend Cora also saw her Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor and he was delighted in Cora's growth and healthiness. Her ears are normal and her canals are not terribly small, so it was a great visit. He did remark several times on Cora's high function and abilities for having Down syndrome. He told me I was fortunate and blessed. (His son has Down syndrome).
I am left, these past few days, with a feeling of happiness that I have not experienced before. While there are storms that still rage in other areas of Cora's life, the seas we are sailing right now are calm and soothing. This offers me a chance to catch my breath and a moment to relax, reflect and watch the sunset.
As I sat and held Cora during that Christmas party, and watched the other children sing Christmas carols and saw the patience of the other parents, I finally felt like we weren't alone. A moment to relax indeed, and bask in the sunshine and happiness of others who are exactly where I am and understand everything I am feeling. I saw those parents interacting with their children and I could see the pride in their faces. It was a happy time in this journey and with it came the knowledge that Cora has a very bright future and along this journey she will be giving hugs to those that really want one!
There was a little fella there that was a few months younger than Cora and Cora instantly wanted to hug him. She clapped her hands in happiness and hugged him really hard. Then she signed "baby" and "more" to be able to keep on hugging him. This little fella wasn't into older girls though and one hug was enough for him..haha!
For me, as a parent, it was rewarding to talk to a couple who's son is fifteen years old. I listened to there advice and their struggles from years past and took away a greater wealth of knowledge than what I arrived with.
This journey with Cora continues to teach me about always being open to new ideas and suggestions and not being closed to those very things.
While there this past weekend Cora also saw her Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor and he was delighted in Cora's growth and healthiness. Her ears are normal and her canals are not terribly small, so it was a great visit. He did remark several times on Cora's high function and abilities for having Down syndrome. He told me I was fortunate and blessed. (His son has Down syndrome).
I am left, these past few days, with a feeling of happiness that I have not experienced before. While there are storms that still rage in other areas of Cora's life, the seas we are sailing right now are calm and soothing. This offers me a chance to catch my breath and a moment to relax, reflect and watch the sunset.
As I sat and held Cora during that Christmas party, and watched the other children sing Christmas carols and saw the patience of the other parents, I finally felt like we weren't alone. A moment to relax indeed, and bask in the sunshine and happiness of others who are exactly where I am and understand everything I am feeling. I saw those parents interacting with their children and I could see the pride in their faces. It was a happy time in this journey and with it came the knowledge that Cora has a very bright future and along this journey she will be giving hugs to those that really want one!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A thankful heart
Cora spent the holidays asking for, and sampling, every one's food. The kids and the extended relatives all thought it was wonderful that Cora was well enough to spend this holiday with them. I cooked, and cooked and cooked some more for all the eagerly awaiting hungry people, and it paid off.
This past week has seen so many changes in Cora. She loves turkey but doesn't like the pieces if they are too big. She adores stuffing and pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes. She, however, doesn't like the cranberry sauce. That's okay though because its wasn't my favorite either.
With her increased awareness of grown up foods and the variety of taste that they offer, she has slowly started to wean herself from the baby foods. Its truly is more of a sensory issue with Cora than a taste issues and I am so thankful that I had the foresight to be giving her tastes and textures of different foods all along. While she still has a difficult time eating anything that is solid feeling, she is getting the idea of what teeth are for and her molars can do great work with many foods.
She is changing. I see a maturity finding her and creeping up on the baby behavior. She is losing her baby inpatients and starting to show toddler awareness and curiosity. Cora will point and sign for someone to explain what has caught her attention. She will look at you for the sign, and then practice the sign. She will listen intently as you show her and explain to her what the object is and what it does. Gone are the days of spontneously grabbing for what has caught her attention and in its place is a child who looks and listens with an intensity that rivals my own.
I see these changes and part of me is saddened. Not by her progress, merely for the loss of the baby days and the baby ways. In its place is a blossoming and learning that comes with time and age. I am filled with a thankful heart for these changes, despite the accompanying sadness, and any mama that reads this knows exactly what I am describing.
This mama's thankful heart is filled with gratitude and wonder at Cora's changing ways and most of all , it is filled with overwhelming love,happiness and excitement for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Cora is caught in moments of acting like a normal child and these moments become treasured, just like the memories of her first true Thanksgiving.
With that we are both enjoying this holiday time with thankful hearts....and Cora's normal working one beats on with the rhythm of life and in time with her curiosity. Yes, we are very thankful indeed.
This past week has seen so many changes in Cora. She loves turkey but doesn't like the pieces if they are too big. She adores stuffing and pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes. She, however, doesn't like the cranberry sauce. That's okay though because its wasn't my favorite either.
With her increased awareness of grown up foods and the variety of taste that they offer, she has slowly started to wean herself from the baby foods. Its truly is more of a sensory issue with Cora than a taste issues and I am so thankful that I had the foresight to be giving her tastes and textures of different foods all along. While she still has a difficult time eating anything that is solid feeling, she is getting the idea of what teeth are for and her molars can do great work with many foods.
She is changing. I see a maturity finding her and creeping up on the baby behavior. She is losing her baby inpatients and starting to show toddler awareness and curiosity. Cora will point and sign for someone to explain what has caught her attention. She will look at you for the sign, and then practice the sign. She will listen intently as you show her and explain to her what the object is and what it does. Gone are the days of spontneously grabbing for what has caught her attention and in its place is a child who looks and listens with an intensity that rivals my own.
I see these changes and part of me is saddened. Not by her progress, merely for the loss of the baby days and the baby ways. In its place is a blossoming and learning that comes with time and age. I am filled with a thankful heart for these changes, despite the accompanying sadness, and any mama that reads this knows exactly what I am describing.
This mama's thankful heart is filled with gratitude and wonder at Cora's changing ways and most of all , it is filled with overwhelming love,happiness and excitement for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Cora is caught in moments of acting like a normal child and these moments become treasured, just like the memories of her first true Thanksgiving.
With that we are both enjoying this holiday time with thankful hearts....and Cora's normal working one beats on with the rhythm of life and in time with her curiosity. Yes, we are very thankful indeed.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
This year finds Cora at home instead of at the children's hospital and for that I am very grateful. She will be able to have her first, at home, Thanksgiving. One spent with her siblings, her grandparents, a great Aunt and great Uncle and a few family friends. Life is wonderful and full of Cora blossoming on a daily basis.
This year I am filled with more thanks that I can put into words. Cora and I both have so very much to be thankful for....and the biggest thanks of all? Her being home, doing well and eating turkey dinner surrounded by her family.
May this Thanksgiving be filled with many blessings for you and your loved ones. Enjoy!!
This year I am filled with more thanks that I can put into words. Cora and I both have so very much to be thankful for....and the biggest thanks of all? Her being home, doing well and eating turkey dinner surrounded by her family.
May this Thanksgiving be filled with many blessings for you and your loved ones. Enjoy!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Cora speaks up
The days are flying by. I think it is the time of year and the holiday spirit. Or, maybe its just the crazy life of Cora that keeps me so very busy these days. Either way, the days find Cora progressing well.
I have to come to realize that this journey will continue to give me unexpected blessings, as well as jaw dropping surprises. One of these moments happened yesterday.
Cora had an appointment with her eye specialist to see if her tear ducts had improved or if she needed the tear duct surgery. The good news was that the surgery does not look like it is needed. If she continues to improve with her eyes developing normal drainage then that is one surgery she will completely avoid. This was such a blessing to hear because I was concerned about her having another surgery when she is not yet a year out from her last one.
During this appointment Cora was showing her concern of having others around her. She has started becoming very stand offish towards anyone that she doesn't know that wants to touch her. While she cooperates and is willing to sit still for the procedure, she does not like to have the doctors or nurses that she doesn't recognize , touch her. The eye doctor leaned in to look at her eyes and to see how they followed an object. He gently took Cora's chin in his hand to keep her head from following the light and to get her eyes to follow instead. Cora reached up, pushed his hand away and said, "DOON TOUS". I was completely surprised. He looked at me and asked, "Did she just tell me, "don't touch"? I said, "She sure did. Isn't that great? That's the first time she has said those words!" I was so excited and Cora was just looking at the doctor with that stern, serious look she has. He told me that he was impressed that she could speak clearly enough for him to recognize what she was sayingas most infants with Down syndrome cannot. I just smiled and thought to myself, YEEHAW! More words for Cora.
It wasn't until later that I thought about the rudeness of Cora's remark. Then I figured is it really such a bad thing to have Cora telling a stranger "don't touch?". Yes he was a doctor, but to her he is a stranger that she only sees once in awhile. How do you explain to a 19 month old the difference between appropriate touch from a doctor and not from a stranger. I don't think you can.
So instead of pondering of the rudeness and suddenness of her actions, I celebrate in her Independence and ability to get her point across. Yeah Cora!!
On a side note: to have Cora saying words with a clear meaning is a huge milestone for any infant with Down syndrome. Their facial muscles are not as strong and are more relaxed and harder to move into the correct position to form words. Try saying "Don't touch" or other words with four marshmallows in your mouth. Or maybe put one or two in each cheek and then talk...this is as close of an example as you can get and as close to the feeling Cora experiences when forming her words.
I have to come to realize that this journey will continue to give me unexpected blessings, as well as jaw dropping surprises. One of these moments happened yesterday.
Cora had an appointment with her eye specialist to see if her tear ducts had improved or if she needed the tear duct surgery. The good news was that the surgery does not look like it is needed. If she continues to improve with her eyes developing normal drainage then that is one surgery she will completely avoid. This was such a blessing to hear because I was concerned about her having another surgery when she is not yet a year out from her last one.
During this appointment Cora was showing her concern of having others around her. She has started becoming very stand offish towards anyone that she doesn't know that wants to touch her. While she cooperates and is willing to sit still for the procedure, she does not like to have the doctors or nurses that she doesn't recognize , touch her. The eye doctor leaned in to look at her eyes and to see how they followed an object. He gently took Cora's chin in his hand to keep her head from following the light and to get her eyes to follow instead. Cora reached up, pushed his hand away and said, "DOON TOUS". I was completely surprised. He looked at me and asked, "Did she just tell me, "don't touch"? I said, "She sure did. Isn't that great? That's the first time she has said those words!" I was so excited and Cora was just looking at the doctor with that stern, serious look she has. He told me that he was impressed that she could speak clearly enough for him to recognize what she was sayingas most infants with Down syndrome cannot. I just smiled and thought to myself, YEEHAW! More words for Cora.
It wasn't until later that I thought about the rudeness of Cora's remark. Then I figured is it really such a bad thing to have Cora telling a stranger "don't touch?". Yes he was a doctor, but to her he is a stranger that she only sees once in awhile. How do you explain to a 19 month old the difference between appropriate touch from a doctor and not from a stranger. I don't think you can.
So instead of pondering of the rudeness and suddenness of her actions, I celebrate in her Independence and ability to get her point across. Yeah Cora!!
On a side note: to have Cora saying words with a clear meaning is a huge milestone for any infant with Down syndrome. Their facial muscles are not as strong and are more relaxed and harder to move into the correct position to form words. Try saying "Don't touch" or other words with four marshmallows in your mouth. Or maybe put one or two in each cheek and then talk...this is as close of an example as you can get and as close to the feeling Cora experiences when forming her words.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Cora grows on...
Cora is a whopping 21 pounds and 31 1/2 inches long today. The official measurements are in as she had to go to Pickford Medical Center for her synergist (sp?) shot. It helps keep her from getting pneumonia during the winter months. She will get these monthly shots again this winter to help protect her and her heart from respiratory infections.
I knew she had been growing because I have had to buy her all new onesies and shirts. Here upper body is doing most of the growing and its so funny to see a shirt that fit her a few days ago will no longer button or fit over the little tummy. I, however, did not realize she had grown that much. A blessing indeed!!
Cora doesn't realize how big she is getting either. Things that she used to be able to do, like sit in her plastic tub that holds toys she can no longer fit into. The look on her face is priceless when I watch her try to fit into the tub that used to easily hold all of her body and now leaves her legs and head hanging out both ends.
With this physical growth and the changes to her body she is getting more adept at many things. She can now reach the top of her crib rail and will work her way up the crib bars with her hands, get on her knees and stretch her finger tips to hold the rail. It is lovely to see the look of happiness on her face when she achieves her goal of hanging on to the rail and being up on her knees. The world is growing right along with Cora and she loves the new views she is getting along with the added height.
Cora was gifted with a baby doll crib today and she loved it. She kept signing baby and pointing to the play crib for one of us to put the baby to bed. Then she started to play on her own with the new baby doll crib. Eeventually one of her older sisters couldn't keep from helping Cora into the crib. Cora was so happy and silly with this turn of events, but alas she was to big for this toy as well!
Today found Cora growing, are you growing too? My faith continues to grow and deepen as I travel this road on Cora's journey and it is my hope that today you find your faith growing as well.
I knew she had been growing because I have had to buy her all new onesies and shirts. Here upper body is doing most of the growing and its so funny to see a shirt that fit her a few days ago will no longer button or fit over the little tummy. I, however, did not realize she had grown that much. A blessing indeed!!
Cora doesn't realize how big she is getting either. Things that she used to be able to do, like sit in her plastic tub that holds toys she can no longer fit into. The look on her face is priceless when I watch her try to fit into the tub that used to easily hold all of her body and now leaves her legs and head hanging out both ends.
With this physical growth and the changes to her body she is getting more adept at many things. She can now reach the top of her crib rail and will work her way up the crib bars with her hands, get on her knees and stretch her finger tips to hold the rail. It is lovely to see the look of happiness on her face when she achieves her goal of hanging on to the rail and being up on her knees. The world is growing right along with Cora and she loves the new views she is getting along with the added height.
Cora was gifted with a baby doll crib today and she loved it. She kept signing baby and pointing to the play crib for one of us to put the baby to bed. Then she started to play on her own with the new baby doll crib. Eeventually one of her older sisters couldn't keep from helping Cora into the crib. Cora was so happy and silly with this turn of events, but alas she was to big for this toy as well!
Today found Cora growing, are you growing too? My faith continues to grow and deepen as I travel this road on Cora's journey and it is my hope that today you find your faith growing as well.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Teething pains = perfect timing
Cora has spent the last few days, including today, fighting the fever that comes and goes with teething. She continues to be different from my other kids and unique even in the cutting of her teeth. Instead of trying for the simpler gentler method of cutting front teeth she is bringing in another molar. These are the hardest and biggest of the teeth to get to break through and despite the discomfort that she feels , she remains in good spirits and with smiles at the ready.
I was feeding her lunch today and she signed "medicine". I asked her "You are signing medicine. Do you really want medicine?" She nodded her head yes and patted her cheek while putting two fingers together. Two index fingers tapping each other is the sign for "hurt". I stood there amazed at this little girl (yes, sadly she is leaving behind the baby stuff) and then felt her forehead and took her temperature. She was again with fever so I relented and gave her a small dose of medicine and put her down for a nap.
It was exhilarating to know that Cora can get her point across and let me know what is going on with her. The fact that she just used the sign for "medicine" was no surprise as I have been using that sign steadily during all her regular med intervals. It was the point of her telling me that she was hurting and could use something to make it feel better that really got my attention. It continues to acknowledge that Cora is learning even when it is not a concentrated effort. She learns from everything we do around her as a family. It acknowledges that the videos are being absorbed and learned from. It reaffirms that she is a child eager to learn and thrive in a environment that encourages her to speak in whatever language she can use. It keeps us looking up new signs to add to her ever growing vocabulary.
If I hadn't listened to my gut instincts and prepared her for a non-hearing world (remember that she was born deaf) right from the start with the sign language, how would she have told me today that her pain was great enough to need a little help with the relief? I could have stopped using sign language when I found out that her hearing was restored and working. I didn't though.
Despite being told that I didn't need to use the sign because she would be talking fine by the time she was five, I still used the sign. Three months later following that gut instinct, following that push to keep working with Cora payed off, she signed her first question to me!
In this journey with Cora I continue to receive answers...maybe not in my time, but they do come eventually. She showed me this today. She showed me that by following my heart and standing in faith of her abilities the reward would, and did, come.
Creator is like that with his blessings and his rewards, with his answers and his comfort. They come in his time, not in my time. It is up to me to stand in faith on this journey and remain patient for the blessings that he and Cora have worked out. Cora has her own way of doing things and with that comes her own time table. Creator is like that as well. He works on his own timetable that we can recognize once we can take a step back and become open to see the blessings. Today, his timing was perfect...the added blessing was that Cora delivered the message.
I was feeding her lunch today and she signed "medicine". I asked her "You are signing medicine. Do you really want medicine?" She nodded her head yes and patted her cheek while putting two fingers together. Two index fingers tapping each other is the sign for "hurt". I stood there amazed at this little girl (yes, sadly she is leaving behind the baby stuff) and then felt her forehead and took her temperature. She was again with fever so I relented and gave her a small dose of medicine and put her down for a nap.
It was exhilarating to know that Cora can get her point across and let me know what is going on with her. The fact that she just used the sign for "medicine" was no surprise as I have been using that sign steadily during all her regular med intervals. It was the point of her telling me that she was hurting and could use something to make it feel better that really got my attention. It continues to acknowledge that Cora is learning even when it is not a concentrated effort. She learns from everything we do around her as a family. It acknowledges that the videos are being absorbed and learned from. It reaffirms that she is a child eager to learn and thrive in a environment that encourages her to speak in whatever language she can use. It keeps us looking up new signs to add to her ever growing vocabulary.
If I hadn't listened to my gut instincts and prepared her for a non-hearing world (remember that she was born deaf) right from the start with the sign language, how would she have told me today that her pain was great enough to need a little help with the relief? I could have stopped using sign language when I found out that her hearing was restored and working. I didn't though.
Despite being told that I didn't need to use the sign because she would be talking fine by the time she was five, I still used the sign. Three months later following that gut instinct, following that push to keep working with Cora payed off, she signed her first question to me!
In this journey with Cora I continue to receive answers...maybe not in my time, but they do come eventually. She showed me this today. She showed me that by following my heart and standing in faith of her abilities the reward would, and did, come.
Creator is like that with his blessings and his rewards, with his answers and his comfort. They come in his time, not in my time. It is up to me to stand in faith on this journey and remain patient for the blessings that he and Cora have worked out. Cora has her own way of doing things and with that comes her own time table. Creator is like that as well. He works on his own timetable that we can recognize once we can take a step back and become open to see the blessings. Today, his timing was perfect...the added blessing was that Cora delivered the message.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Little Punkin
The weather was to cold for Cora and the stroller this Halloween, so she spent the time watching her brother Trick-or-Treat. She had the better end of the deal though because we followed along behind Phoenix in the warm car!! It was a great night and Phoenix was kind enough to offer her a sucker without her having to ask. Although the little stinker asked for "more" when he gave her the sucker as she reached for his candy bag. Good thing he finds humor in most of what she does.
I hope you all had a blessed Halloween and were able to spend some time with your kiddos and made it a fun night. Its the moments that we take time for our children that they remember more than all the things we could buy for them.
I hope you all had a blessed Halloween and were able to spend some time with your kiddos and made it a fun night. Its the moments that we take time for our children that they remember more than all the things we could buy for them.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Continued Awareness
Being a parent of a child with Down syndrome is a continuing learning experience. Cora found another word to add to her verbal skills and it is "Me". A great new success for Cora as it is really amazing to watch her sign and speak the "Me" word when it is needed. I, however, could have waited for this new word to become a part of her vocabulary.
We have reached a point in Cora's activities where nothing goes unseen by this baby girl! No more sneaking chocolate muffins or ice cream. Cora will crawl right over to you, point and say "Dat!" and then sign "eat". I tell her that mama is eating ice cream and ask her if she wants some and to this she replies..."me,me,me,me" and again signs "eat".
Gone are the days of reading a book while she plays content in her surroundings of toys and stuffed animals. While I read my book I will feel a tap on my knee and find Cora has dragged one of her books over to have me read to her.
What an absolute blessing that those days are gone and have been replaced by Cora's interaction. Cora's patience is building again and it is so much fun to watch her sitting in her yellow chair and watching her signing videos or "my baby can read" videos. She mimics the signs that babies are doing and will mimic the sound of the word that is being displayed on the screen. During this half hour learning time she is a real joy to watch.
She is developing her love of music. While music plays softly in the background during the day she can be seen stopping her playing of toys and starting to do her booty dance when a song has grabbed her attention with a snazzy beat. Although she does seem to favor the classical songs.
Yes, our little Cora is growing up and prospering in her life. Changing rapidly and gaining ground as each day passes. As this month of Down syndrome awareness comes to a close don't let the awareness end. Remain Cora's champion and a champion of a loved one who might also have Down syndrome. Stand firm and solid on this journey with us as she continues to pass milestones markers along the way. Raise you arms and shout with happiness "ME! ME! ME!" when Cora looks around for those that continue to support her journey and love her the way Creator made his image and blessed!!
We have reached a point in Cora's activities where nothing goes unseen by this baby girl! No more sneaking chocolate muffins or ice cream. Cora will crawl right over to you, point and say "Dat!" and then sign "eat". I tell her that mama is eating ice cream and ask her if she wants some and to this she replies..."me,me,me,me" and again signs "eat".
Gone are the days of reading a book while she plays content in her surroundings of toys and stuffed animals. While I read my book I will feel a tap on my knee and find Cora has dragged one of her books over to have me read to her.
What an absolute blessing that those days are gone and have been replaced by Cora's interaction. Cora's patience is building again and it is so much fun to watch her sitting in her yellow chair and watching her signing videos or "my baby can read" videos. She mimics the signs that babies are doing and will mimic the sound of the word that is being displayed on the screen. During this half hour learning time she is a real joy to watch.
She is developing her love of music. While music plays softly in the background during the day she can be seen stopping her playing of toys and starting to do her booty dance when a song has grabbed her attention with a snazzy beat. Although she does seem to favor the classical songs.
Yes, our little Cora is growing up and prospering in her life. Changing rapidly and gaining ground as each day passes. As this month of Down syndrome awareness comes to a close don't let the awareness end. Remain Cora's champion and a champion of a loved one who might also have Down syndrome. Stand firm and solid on this journey with us as she continues to pass milestones markers along the way. Raise you arms and shout with happiness "ME! ME! ME!" when Cora looks around for those that continue to support her journey and love her the way Creator made his image and blessed!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Cora stands up
Cora stands up for her rights to be treated as an individual. Her right to be treated as a child first and a child with Down syndrome second. She stands up for her right to be recognised as an individual, not seen as Down syndrome. Then again, she just stands up because she can!
These past few days Cora has achieved a couple of new milestones. She was playing with her rocking horse and with other toys on the floor when she decided she wanted to see what I was doing in the kitchen. At that point, she merely climbed up and over the back of the rocking horse and into the kitchen. To do this, she had to get on her knees, stand up on her toes and then crawl over the back of the horse. I was so excited to see her do this that I asked her to do it again and again. It soon became a game with laughter from both Cora and I.
Then, a few days later, she really wanted to see what was on the wall behind me as we were sitting together on the couch. She was in my lap, facing me, and she leaned forward while putting her hands n my chest and stood up. Simple and easy as can be.
Early on came and worked more on this skill with her and gave me pointers to help her continue in this direction while not hyper extending her knees backwards.
She has also started saying "DAT?" when she is pointing to objects that interest her. There are times when she says "WAT DAT?" as well. Her language skills are blossoming as well as her signing skills. I still look at her in amazement and wonder at her growth. Cora has become a skilled master at getting her point across because if you don't look at what she is pointing to and asking "DAT" about, she will grab your face and turn it to look in the direction of her pointing!
Yes, this week has been a wonderful adventure on this journey and a week full of more firsts and passed milestones for beautiful Cora. Cora stands up for interesting things as well as learning how to keep on surprising those that enjoy this walk with her. I am so thankful that I get to stand right there beside her and continue to watch her milestones...
These past few days Cora has achieved a couple of new milestones. She was playing with her rocking horse and with other toys on the floor when she decided she wanted to see what I was doing in the kitchen. At that point, she merely climbed up and over the back of the rocking horse and into the kitchen. To do this, she had to get on her knees, stand up on her toes and then crawl over the back of the horse. I was so excited to see her do this that I asked her to do it again and again. It soon became a game with laughter from both Cora and I.
Then, a few days later, she really wanted to see what was on the wall behind me as we were sitting together on the couch. She was in my lap, facing me, and she leaned forward while putting her hands n my chest and stood up. Simple and easy as can be.
Early on came and worked more on this skill with her and gave me pointers to help her continue in this direction while not hyper extending her knees backwards.
She has also started saying "DAT?" when she is pointing to objects that interest her. There are times when she says "WAT DAT?" as well. Her language skills are blossoming as well as her signing skills. I still look at her in amazement and wonder at her growth. Cora has become a skilled master at getting her point across because if you don't look at what she is pointing to and asking "DAT" about, she will grab your face and turn it to look in the direction of her pointing!
Yes, this week has been a wonderful adventure on this journey and a week full of more firsts and passed milestones for beautiful Cora. Cora stands up for interesting things as well as learning how to keep on surprising those that enjoy this walk with her. I am so thankful that I get to stand right there beside her and continue to watch her milestones...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The rain makes things grow
Cora has spent the last few days in the house because we have been getting so much rain. Sometimes it has been raining so much, I have made jokes about reserving a suite on the next Ark that is being built. With the rain comes growth. The rain nourishes the ground and readies it for spring. It supplements some of the moisture that has been lost over the summer, it gives way for rapid moving water in the creek that allows the beaver to move their logs for the dam. I enables things to grow and expand.
In keeping with the time of year, Cora is also growing and gaining momentum. The last few days have been a blessing for Cora and her desire to stand and support herself. With added interaction of the siblings who are also stuck in the house, this means added playtime for Cora. During one of these play times the girls had put one of the toys that Cora was incredibly interested in on the back of the couch cushion. They helped Cora to figure out that to reach the toy meant standing up on Emily's knees and getting the toy. Once Cora realized that she could reach further and if she stood up the world looked different, she was into trying over and over. Eventually she gained so much confidence that she was trying to climb up onto the couch. Huge muscle improvement, tone and coordination for Cora.
With the rain we receive blessings. Sometimes they are obvious and stare us in the face and sometimes we recognize them after they happen. Either way, a blessing is the result of living in gratitude. I am grateful for the rain. The rain caused the older sisters to be in the house. The older sisters being in the house gave Cora more playtime with people other than mama. Other people playing meant there were several different approaches and ideas to achieving the goal of Cora standing up on her own. The result? I was gifted with the blessing of getting to see Cora learn a new ability, achieve another milestone and watch the fascination on her face as she grasped the whole concept.
Rain definitely washes away the old and brings in the new and fresh. Is the rain washing away some old stuff in your life and bringing in the new and fresh blessing? If so, live in gratitude with Cora. Because right now she is standing up by the couch and smiling in gratitude and achievement to anyone who will look her way! Yes, the rain is definately a blessing.
Cora taking a break from the standing exercises and relaxing in big sisters lap.
In keeping with the time of year, Cora is also growing and gaining momentum. The last few days have been a blessing for Cora and her desire to stand and support herself. With added interaction of the siblings who are also stuck in the house, this means added playtime for Cora. During one of these play times the girls had put one of the toys that Cora was incredibly interested in on the back of the couch cushion. They helped Cora to figure out that to reach the toy meant standing up on Emily's knees and getting the toy. Once Cora realized that she could reach further and if she stood up the world looked different, she was into trying over and over. Eventually she gained so much confidence that she was trying to climb up onto the couch. Huge muscle improvement, tone and coordination for Cora.
With the rain we receive blessings. Sometimes they are obvious and stare us in the face and sometimes we recognize them after they happen. Either way, a blessing is the result of living in gratitude. I am grateful for the rain. The rain caused the older sisters to be in the house. The older sisters being in the house gave Cora more playtime with people other than mama. Other people playing meant there were several different approaches and ideas to achieving the goal of Cora standing up on her own. The result? I was gifted with the blessing of getting to see Cora learn a new ability, achieve another milestone and watch the fascination on her face as she grasped the whole concept.
Rain definitely washes away the old and brings in the new and fresh. Is the rain washing away some old stuff in your life and bringing in the new and fresh blessing? If so, live in gratitude with Cora. Because right now she is standing up by the couch and smiling in gratitude and achievement to anyone who will look her way! Yes, the rain is definately a blessing.
Cora taking a break from the standing exercises and relaxing in big sisters lap.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Cora's first horse
I wrote on Facebook, to all my girlfriends, that I had a confession to make. The confession involved a Christmas present and Cora. I decided to share that confession with all the blog followers.
You see, I had bought a rocking horse for Cora for her Christmas present and it arrived earlier than it was suppose too.
I let it sit in the box and looked at. I walked out of my office and did house chores. I looked at the pony again. I left and worked outside with a client. I looked at the pony again. My next thought was that I should give this wonderful first pony to Cora today and let her enjoy it right away. I looked at the rocking pony again and thought how sad it must be inside of that box, waiting for its new owner to ride it and play with it.
I mentally argued with myself, eventually losing the war of keeping the gift for Christmas and unwrapped it from the box. I pulled the horse out and realized it needed the stickers added to it. Time to call in a big sister, and that is exactly what I did. Emily came to the aid and placed all the stickers in their appropriate spots and then the pony was ready for its new owner.
Cora had sat by us and watched with fascination at it all. She kept pointing to the pony and saying "horth", "horth" and then clapping her hands. Finally she was sitting on her very first pony and they were indeed meant for each other.
The pony smiled a silly grin and Cora, after being shown how to move her upper body a few times, was rocking her "horth" and clapping her hands and losing her balance and sliding off to the side onto the floor. Always landing on her butt and then pointing to me or a sibling and patting the seat of her new pony. It was very obvious that she liked this new toy. At one point Cora was sitting in front of her pony and just looking at it. I asked her if she liked her new horse and made the sign for "horse". She looked at me, pointed at her pony and signed "baby" then leaned forward , grabbed his face with her little hands and kissed him on the nose. No question about it, she loves her new "horth".
I felt a little remorse in giving Cora this present early because this year the kids and I have a two present limit for each other this year. But I have a feeling that the older kids will completely understand if Cora still finds two presents under the tree as she has gifted all of us with many presents.
The biggest present of all? Her very agreement with Creator to take this journey within our family. Have I mentioned her smiles, laughter, hugs, funny faces, jibber jabber, baby signing, gaining weight??? You get the idea. Life itself is a present and a gift, the other stuff just makes it fun while we travel along on this journey. And apparently, rocking horses are a definate grin maker!
You see, I had bought a rocking horse for Cora for her Christmas present and it arrived earlier than it was suppose too.
I let it sit in the box and looked at. I walked out of my office and did house chores. I looked at the pony again. I left and worked outside with a client. I looked at the pony again. My next thought was that I should give this wonderful first pony to Cora today and let her enjoy it right away. I looked at the rocking pony again and thought how sad it must be inside of that box, waiting for its new owner to ride it and play with it.
I mentally argued with myself, eventually losing the war of keeping the gift for Christmas and unwrapped it from the box. I pulled the horse out and realized it needed the stickers added to it. Time to call in a big sister, and that is exactly what I did. Emily came to the aid and placed all the stickers in their appropriate spots and then the pony was ready for its new owner.
Cora had sat by us and watched with fascination at it all. She kept pointing to the pony and saying "horth", "horth" and then clapping her hands. Finally she was sitting on her very first pony and they were indeed meant for each other.
The pony smiled a silly grin and Cora, after being shown how to move her upper body a few times, was rocking her "horth" and clapping her hands and losing her balance and sliding off to the side onto the floor. Always landing on her butt and then pointing to me or a sibling and patting the seat of her new pony. It was very obvious that she liked this new toy. At one point Cora was sitting in front of her pony and just looking at it. I asked her if she liked her new horse and made the sign for "horse". She looked at me, pointed at her pony and signed "baby" then leaned forward , grabbed his face with her little hands and kissed him on the nose. No question about it, she loves her new "horth".
I felt a little remorse in giving Cora this present early because this year the kids and I have a two present limit for each other this year. But I have a feeling that the older kids will completely understand if Cora still finds two presents under the tree as she has gifted all of us with many presents.
The biggest present of all? Her very agreement with Creator to take this journey within our family. Have I mentioned her smiles, laughter, hugs, funny faces, jibber jabber, baby signing, gaining weight??? You get the idea. Life itself is a present and a gift, the other stuff just makes it fun while we travel along on this journey. And apparently, rocking horses are a definate grin maker!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cora declares joy and simplicity
Early On came and left a little yellow chair to practice with. They want her to get up on her knees more and when placed in this chair backward, with me behind her to help brace her knees, she can raise up on her knees and use her hands to push up her upper body. Now, for Cora, this was fun! For the Early On team it was all in a days work.
They showed her how to do this a couple of times and all of a sudden she was doing it and reaching for toys that were held up to encourage her moving in the right direction. Cora thought this yellow chair was the absolute most beautiful toy in her whole play yard and the Early On team was kind enough to leave it with me to help Cora gain strength and practice.
To see the most simple of things bring Cora such joy reminds me to look around and find joy in things that I might be taking for granted. Yes, this past 18 months has been difficult and a huge strain on my finances, but in all we are incredibly lucky. I still have a roof over our heads, food on the table and heat in the house as the winter fast approaches. I have a chair to sit in and a table to sit at for meals with my children.
As I write this today Cora is again in her play yard playing with the yellow chair. At the moment she has her feet underneath it, her head in the corner of it and she is singing with all the power her lungs can muster. She likes the echo sound it is making, I like the joy I hear her singing with. Today Cora's theme is gratitude and joy in the simple things. What is your theme? Is it simple and full of gratitude? If not, let Cora share some of her joy with you....but first you need a chair!!
They showed her how to do this a couple of times and all of a sudden she was doing it and reaching for toys that were held up to encourage her moving in the right direction. Cora thought this yellow chair was the absolute most beautiful toy in her whole play yard and the Early On team was kind enough to leave it with me to help Cora gain strength and practice.
To see the most simple of things bring Cora such joy reminds me to look around and find joy in things that I might be taking for granted. Yes, this past 18 months has been difficult and a huge strain on my finances, but in all we are incredibly lucky. I still have a roof over our heads, food on the table and heat in the house as the winter fast approaches. I have a chair to sit in and a table to sit at for meals with my children.
As I write this today Cora is again in her play yard playing with the yellow chair. At the moment she has her feet underneath it, her head in the corner of it and she is singing with all the power her lungs can muster. She likes the echo sound it is making, I like the joy I hear her singing with. Today Cora's theme is gratitude and joy in the simple things. What is your theme? Is it simple and full of gratitude? If not, let Cora share some of her joy with you....but first you need a chair!!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Cora likes chocolate!
She is her mother's daughter for sure! With so many birthdays in this house the past week, there has been plenty of birthday cake. To many to keep eating in front of Cora and not offering her a bite of the yummy stuff.
Cora celebrated birthday's with her mama (45 and proud), her big sister Kelsey (22) and her big sister Melissa (20). Melissa is back home for a little while again and Cora has been having fun showing off for her big sister.
The cold months are settling in and so is the family, and this winter will be a new one for Cora. Last year she was to sick to even learn what snow felt like or tasted like. I hope to change all that this year. With a continued outlook on life that only leaves room for learning and moving up in the world I have been taking advantage of Cora's interest in everything and continue to introduce her to the world that surrounds her.
This is also the month of Down syndrome awareness, so please, in support of Cora and her journey open up someones eyes to the beauty that Down syndrome has to offer. Encourage someone to accept rather than judge and remember that society is harder to overcome that Cora's Down syndrome.
So with a smiley chocolaty face- Cora sends her continued blessings and is walking hand in hand with you on this wonderful journey that Down syndrome has made for us. In the good times and in the rough times, her hope and smiles have continually brought a hint of the promise the future holds for her. Walk in that same faith and share the way Cora has touched your life and open the door for her success by raising awareness of how precious Down syndrome really is.
Cora celebrated birthday's with her mama (45 and proud), her big sister Kelsey (22) and her big sister Melissa (20). Melissa is back home for a little while again and Cora has been having fun showing off for her big sister.
The cold months are settling in and so is the family, and this winter will be a new one for Cora. Last year she was to sick to even learn what snow felt like or tasted like. I hope to change all that this year. With a continued outlook on life that only leaves room for learning and moving up in the world I have been taking advantage of Cora's interest in everything and continue to introduce her to the world that surrounds her.
This is also the month of Down syndrome awareness, so please, in support of Cora and her journey open up someones eyes to the beauty that Down syndrome has to offer. Encourage someone to accept rather than judge and remember that society is harder to overcome that Cora's Down syndrome.
So with a smiley chocolaty face- Cora sends her continued blessings and is walking hand in hand with you on this wonderful journey that Down syndrome has made for us. In the good times and in the rough times, her hope and smiles have continually brought a hint of the promise the future holds for her. Walk in that same faith and share the way Cora has touched your life and open the door for her success by raising awareness of how precious Down syndrome really is.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Cora keeps on ticking
Just like those energizer rabbit commercials where the rabbit keeps on going and going and going....well, that's Cora lately. She has more energy than ever and she just keeps on going. The past week has been incredibly busy with life and Cora has added humor and grace to the moments that have filled the past week.
Gone is the baby who is content to sit back and watch the world go by. In her place a new baby has emerged. One that will grab your face and turn your head to look at what she wants you to look at. If pointing hasn't gotten your attention, then her hands will eagerly turn your face to look at the object. She is no longer content to just look either, she wants to go to whatever has caught her attention and she wants you to let her touch it, and feel it, and explain to her what it is. Cora will watch you intently as you show her the sign for the new object.
Full of life! That's a great way to describe Cora right now. She is full of life and enthusiasm. While waiting in the Doctor's office for her weekly weigh in this morning, she was staring intently at the gentleman who was also waiting for his appointment. She would babble at him and then laugh. Cora pointed to him and signed "papa" and kept on talking away. This man gave her a polite smile and commented on how happy Cora was and how engaging she could be with another person. I told him that if Cora wasn't happy or smiling then something was wrong, because Cora was usually a happy baby.
Her weight today was a whopping 20 lbs 4 ounces and she is 30 inches long. Cora continues to take her RELIV nutrition everyday and RELIV continues to enable her body to heal itself. How you ask? Well, in a recent visit with the pediatric cardiologist we found that her left ventricle and atrium are now the normal shape and size for Cora's body length and weight. This has never been the case for Cora's heart and the cardiologist was astounded at the physical changes that had taken place with Cora's heart. I was amazed as well.
Cora is now signing 16 words and speaking 6 words verbally. She can sign in a two and three word sentences. She is starting to pull herself up into a semi kneeling position for reaching objects on tables and couches and she can army crawl faster than her mama can catch her sometimes! Cora has also started the separation anxiety and has no hesitation in letting someone know that she doesn't want to be held by them or have me out of her sight. Cora has grown physically and cognitively in these past 4 months of being on RELIV and with every one's prayers and Creator's grace she will continue in both those areas.
Does she owe all this progress and change to RELIV? I believe so. It wasn't until she started taking these wonderful products that the healing truly began and Cora was able to start taking an active part in her own journey. With prayers abound and nutrition offered in a time of desperation, Cora keeps giving all the doctors pause in their daily work. They pause and wonder at the miracle they see happening....I just smile and say a prayer of gratitude. Are there more moments of worry on this journey, absolutely! Yet, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter. Especially when I witness the miracle of healing happening right in front of me.
For again, I don't know what Cora and Creator have planned on this journey...I am just grateful that I am open to the ideas and changes that need to happen in order for Cora to fulfill the purpose she and Creator have designed.
Cora signing "more", I had tickeled her to get her to laugh for the picture and she wanted more tickles.
Gone is the baby who is content to sit back and watch the world go by. In her place a new baby has emerged. One that will grab your face and turn your head to look at what she wants you to look at. If pointing hasn't gotten your attention, then her hands will eagerly turn your face to look at the object. She is no longer content to just look either, she wants to go to whatever has caught her attention and she wants you to let her touch it, and feel it, and explain to her what it is. Cora will watch you intently as you show her the sign for the new object.
Full of life! That's a great way to describe Cora right now. She is full of life and enthusiasm. While waiting in the Doctor's office for her weekly weigh in this morning, she was staring intently at the gentleman who was also waiting for his appointment. She would babble at him and then laugh. Cora pointed to him and signed "papa" and kept on talking away. This man gave her a polite smile and commented on how happy Cora was and how engaging she could be with another person. I told him that if Cora wasn't happy or smiling then something was wrong, because Cora was usually a happy baby.
Her weight today was a whopping 20 lbs 4 ounces and she is 30 inches long. Cora continues to take her RELIV nutrition everyday and RELIV continues to enable her body to heal itself. How you ask? Well, in a recent visit with the pediatric cardiologist we found that her left ventricle and atrium are now the normal shape and size for Cora's body length and weight. This has never been the case for Cora's heart and the cardiologist was astounded at the physical changes that had taken place with Cora's heart. I was amazed as well.
Cora is now signing 16 words and speaking 6 words verbally. She can sign in a two and three word sentences. She is starting to pull herself up into a semi kneeling position for reaching objects on tables and couches and she can army crawl faster than her mama can catch her sometimes! Cora has also started the separation anxiety and has no hesitation in letting someone know that she doesn't want to be held by them or have me out of her sight. Cora has grown physically and cognitively in these past 4 months of being on RELIV and with every one's prayers and Creator's grace she will continue in both those areas.
Does she owe all this progress and change to RELIV? I believe so. It wasn't until she started taking these wonderful products that the healing truly began and Cora was able to start taking an active part in her own journey. With prayers abound and nutrition offered in a time of desperation, Cora keeps giving all the doctors pause in their daily work. They pause and wonder at the miracle they see happening....I just smile and say a prayer of gratitude. Are there more moments of worry on this journey, absolutely! Yet, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter. Especially when I witness the miracle of healing happening right in front of me.
For again, I don't know what Cora and Creator have planned on this journey...I am just grateful that I am open to the ideas and changes that need to happen in order for Cora to fulfill the purpose she and Creator have designed.

Saturday, September 22, 2012
Cora gains another word
Cora has again found her feet on solid ground. With the recent change in medicine her little body finally adjusted and seems to be again on the right road for healing. She still struggles with the swelling in her hands, but at least the swelling in the rest of her body has subsided.
In fact, these past few days Cora has been once again her active crawling self. I continually had to keep her out of whatever appliance wires she could find and away from Edenpure heater. In defeat and frustration on Cora's part I decided to purchase a portable play yard for the living room.
Cora let me know how much she disagreed with this decision! Finally, she saw the reasoning behind it and started to play with her toys. She played with her toys and babbled her baby talk. I sat watching her and again was filled with awe at her growth. Because while I was watching, she began to talk to her baby doll and she suddenly looked up at me and signed "baby". A new sign for Cora!
Yes, she is definitely continuing on her journey and today it is filled with peace and comfort. The kind of peace that shows in Cora's casual play and is felt within a mama's heart. Despite the hardships, the struggles, the little scares and the momentary set-backs, it continues to be a blessed journey for us both...and in truth, I am ok with that. After all, Cora continues to teach me and I am not too old to learn!
In fact, these past few days Cora has been once again her active crawling self. I continually had to keep her out of whatever appliance wires she could find and away from Edenpure heater. In defeat and frustration on Cora's part I decided to purchase a portable play yard for the living room.
Cora let me know how much she disagreed with this decision! Finally, she saw the reasoning behind it and started to play with her toys. She played with her toys and babbled her baby talk. I sat watching her and again was filled with awe at her growth. Because while I was watching, she began to talk to her baby doll and she suddenly looked up at me and signed "baby". A new sign for Cora!
Yes, she is definitely continuing on her journey and today it is filled with peace and comfort. The kind of peace that shows in Cora's casual play and is felt within a mama's heart. Despite the hardships, the struggles, the little scares and the momentary set-backs, it continues to be a blessed journey for us both...and in truth, I am ok with that. After all, Cora continues to teach me and I am not too old to learn!
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Equipt
This one is going to be short today. Friday found Cora at the pediatrician's office for a check because she had gained 14 ounces of water weight after the last adjustment to her meds. By Friday she was already losing that water weight, because of one of the medicines being added again to her regime.
During the conversation I voiced having had a moment of questioning during the past week. A moment of watching Cora struggle and wondering if I had what it takes to make this journey with her. Sometimes, as her mom, I am filled with that concern. I think and feel and know that it is a normal emotion ( I have felt it with all my children at some point in their lives ). Yet, in that moment, when I was feeling that loss of stability and seeing Cora go a little backward, that feeling of "what now and what next" totally absorbed any amount of positive thinking I could muster.
I later received an email from my friend, Cora's doctor, and I wanted to share the quote with you. In reading this simple phrase it put it all, once again, in perspective for me. I hope in sharing this with you today it touches your heart and soul the same way it touched mine.
With feet back on solid ground Cora and I share this with you...
" God does not Equipt the called,,,He calls those that are Equipt!"
During the conversation I voiced having had a moment of questioning during the past week. A moment of watching Cora struggle and wondering if I had what it takes to make this journey with her. Sometimes, as her mom, I am filled with that concern. I think and feel and know that it is a normal emotion ( I have felt it with all my children at some point in their lives ). Yet, in that moment, when I was feeling that loss of stability and seeing Cora go a little backward, that feeling of "what now and what next" totally absorbed any amount of positive thinking I could muster.
I later received an email from my friend, Cora's doctor, and I wanted to share the quote with you. In reading this simple phrase it put it all, once again, in perspective for me. I hope in sharing this with you today it touches your heart and soul the same way it touched mine.
With feet back on solid ground Cora and I share this with you...
" God does not Equipt the called,,,He calls those that are Equipt!"
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Cora's little setback
This week found Cora getting another medication adjustment. The Pediatric Cardiologist is trying really hard to get Cora's meds down to zero doses every day, and this has meant making a few adjustments along the past few weeks.
She was doing well with the adjustments until this past weekend. You could tell that Cora wasn't getting as much medicine as usual and the later part of this past weekend Cora was uncomfortable. The weekend was spent trying to console a cranky and unsettled Cora. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Cora and spending time with her knows that this is not the usual Cora mode of operation.
Cora was indeed in a little distress. Not much, but enough to keep her agitated and not her normal self. If she wasn't in super high gear, she was fussing and twisting her torso. Her little feet were a yellow color in the mornings when I got her out of bed. Cora's tummy was bloated to the point of being extremely distended, her hands were puffy and she was coughing steadily throughout the day. Her appetite had decreased and we were waking her up from her afternoon naps (three and four hours long) instead of her waking after an hour and a half.
Monday had us in the doctor's office checking things out. After the exam , Pickford Medical felt that Cora was retaining water and was definitely uncomfortable. I walked into the clinic knowing that Cora was not herself, and I walked out of the clinic feeling even more dejected.
I spent the early part of this week waiting for a call back from Dr. Statler and then Dr. Webb. Finally, yesterday, Dr. Webb made an increase in one of the meds that we were weaning Cora off of and so far things are looking better.
Life is like that, we go along and are sailing on smooth waters with our face into the sunshine, when all of a sudden a little cloud will cover the sun and a drizzle will rain down on us. Its how we face these discouragements that can increase our discomfort or help us to find the positive moment in even the strongest downpour of rain. I looked for my raincoat this week and finally found it in Cora's smiling face and eased temperament. I found a hood for my raincoat in the love from my heart sisters, their encouraging words. I even found some rain boots when I asked the creator for an ease in my worry.
I admit that I have struggled this week with the disappointment of knowing that Cora, despite all the progress she has made, was taking a step backwards. That her little body is not ready to be totally on its own and that meds are still needed. Cora took it way better than I did.
She once again taught me that life is full of unexpected difficulties, but you need to just adjust to it and just keep moving forward. With faith and grace, I remembered how to play in the rain this week and Cora was right there with me.

She was doing well with the adjustments until this past weekend. You could tell that Cora wasn't getting as much medicine as usual and the later part of this past weekend Cora was uncomfortable. The weekend was spent trying to console a cranky and unsettled Cora. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Cora and spending time with her knows that this is not the usual Cora mode of operation.
Cora was indeed in a little distress. Not much, but enough to keep her agitated and not her normal self. If she wasn't in super high gear, she was fussing and twisting her torso. Her little feet were a yellow color in the mornings when I got her out of bed. Cora's tummy was bloated to the point of being extremely distended, her hands were puffy and she was coughing steadily throughout the day. Her appetite had decreased and we were waking her up from her afternoon naps (three and four hours long) instead of her waking after an hour and a half.
Monday had us in the doctor's office checking things out. After the exam , Pickford Medical felt that Cora was retaining water and was definitely uncomfortable. I walked into the clinic knowing that Cora was not herself, and I walked out of the clinic feeling even more dejected.
I spent the early part of this week waiting for a call back from Dr. Statler and then Dr. Webb. Finally, yesterday, Dr. Webb made an increase in one of the meds that we were weaning Cora off of and so far things are looking better.
Life is like that, we go along and are sailing on smooth waters with our face into the sunshine, when all of a sudden a little cloud will cover the sun and a drizzle will rain down on us. Its how we face these discouragements that can increase our discomfort or help us to find the positive moment in even the strongest downpour of rain. I looked for my raincoat this week and finally found it in Cora's smiling face and eased temperament. I found a hood for my raincoat in the love from my heart sisters, their encouraging words. I even found some rain boots when I asked the creator for an ease in my worry.
I admit that I have struggled this week with the disappointment of knowing that Cora, despite all the progress she has made, was taking a step backwards. That her little body is not ready to be totally on its own and that meds are still needed. Cora took it way better than I did.
She once again taught me that life is full of unexpected difficulties, but you need to just adjust to it and just keep moving forward. With faith and grace, I remembered how to play in the rain this week and Cora was right there with me.

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Cora sings for success
The Early On team came yesterday and it included a new woman named Rachel. Rachel is going to start working with Cora on her speech therapy. Since Cora is mimicking mouth movements, signing 14 words, verbalizing 5 words, the Early On team thought now would be a great time to introduce the speech part of her therapies.
It always nice to hear that I am a doing a great job in teaching Cora, but the credit still goes to the young student. Cora works hard for what she learns. It is through our repetition and continual use of the signing that she is learning it and growing with new words each week. Cora is a student of life and everything, and I do mean everything, has her interest. She really wants to know what things are and she looks for us to show her the sign and say the word. She has started mimicking the sign as well as trying to make her voice and mouth do the same motion.
She has started a new talent this week. I was signing to a song that was playing on the radio. A Jodie Messina song "Bring on the rain" when all of a sudden I realized there was a little voice joining in with me. Cora was in the back seat of the truck in her carseat and she was singing with me. These beautiful long "Awwwwwwwwww" and "Baaaaabaaaaabaaalaaaalaaa" noises. When the song finished and I stopped signing, Cora clapped her hands. I laughed so very hard and cheered for us both as well. After all, if Cora could clap for me I figured I might not have sounded to bad!
This brings me back to the original paragraph. The fact that Cora is wanting to sign along (in tune most of the time) and mimic the tone and sounds that she hears, along with doing a little booty and body rock to the rhythm means that she has once again achieved another milestone. So, with the addition of another Early On team member, Cora keeps moving along on her journey...and now she signs a merry tune as she steps along the path!!
It always nice to hear that I am a doing a great job in teaching Cora, but the credit still goes to the young student. Cora works hard for what she learns. It is through our repetition and continual use of the signing that she is learning it and growing with new words each week. Cora is a student of life and everything, and I do mean everything, has her interest. She really wants to know what things are and she looks for us to show her the sign and say the word. She has started mimicking the sign as well as trying to make her voice and mouth do the same motion.
She has started a new talent this week. I was signing to a song that was playing on the radio. A Jodie Messina song "Bring on the rain" when all of a sudden I realized there was a little voice joining in with me. Cora was in the back seat of the truck in her carseat and she was singing with me. These beautiful long "Awwwwwwwwww" and "Baaaaabaaaaabaaalaaaalaaa" noises. When the song finished and I stopped signing, Cora clapped her hands. I laughed so very hard and cheered for us both as well. After all, if Cora could clap for me I figured I might not have sounded to bad!
This brings me back to the original paragraph. The fact that Cora is wanting to sign along (in tune most of the time) and mimic the tone and sounds that she hears, along with doing a little booty and body rock to the rhythm means that she has once again achieved another milestone. So, with the addition of another Early On team member, Cora keeps moving along on her journey...and now she signs a merry tune as she steps along the path!!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Cora's holiday
This Labor Day weekend holiday is coming to a close. It was a warm, loving, laughter filled holiday for Cora.
Last year at this time I was sitting with Cora in Mott Children's Hospital. Looking at my beautiful baby girl, in her intensive care unit after her first heart surgery,and praying endlessly. The memory of seeing her lying in that bed still spins my stomach and puts tears in my eyes. Last year this holiday was spent watching my daughter breathe with a machine, looking at wounds and wondering where life was going to take us both.
This year, exactly one year later, we were sitting in a girlfriends living room surrounded by eight woman that I had graduated high school with. The get together was started by Michele wanting to visit with myself and Nancy so they could see Cora and how much she has changed the last few months. It just kind of snowballed from there. Cora and I ended up at Valerie's house for a lunch and with other women joining in.
We arrived and toys were found and Cora was placed on the floor in the middle of the group. She looked at everyone, played with toys and entertained herself. We spent the time laughing and talking and laughing some more. Cora spent the time looking at all of these beautiful women and at moments would squeal and kick her legs and clap. She enjoyed time in Auntie Brenda's lap and Auntie Valarie's lap and tried to untie Auntie Michele's shoes. She spent time casually leaning against Auntie Nancy's leg while she watched us silly women laughing yet again.
I don't know if anyone else understood the significance of yesterday for me. I was quiet sometimes, just smiling and listening , simply because I was breathing in the joy of the moment. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by women who accepted Cora openly and didn't have a negative thing to say about what I could expect in the future. They didn't utter a negative word about how hard life could be for Cora or her challenges.
The greatest blessing we both received yesterday was the hugs and the warmth that these women offered to my baby girl. Cora once again won over a crowd of people to her side of the road. I know, without a moments hesitation, that if Cora needed something these women would stand up for her.
A year ago the day was spent in tears and a soul felt agony of worry. This year ,the day was spent in heartfelt joy and laughter. For me, the proudest moment was knowing that Cora was signing, playing and laughing along with all of us....just like an average baby would! Something I wasn't very sure of last year.
With that I would like to personally thank the women who made yesterday a great aniversary for Cora and me....Brenda, Kim B., Kim P., Michele, Valarie, Jackie, Beth, Nancy. We also have to mention Auntie Lee because I know she was there in spirit even though work kept her away. Cora sends mushy kisses and I send a prayer of blessing. Thanks Ladies!!
Last year at this time I was sitting with Cora in Mott Children's Hospital. Looking at my beautiful baby girl, in her intensive care unit after her first heart surgery,and praying endlessly. The memory of seeing her lying in that bed still spins my stomach and puts tears in my eyes. Last year this holiday was spent watching my daughter breathe with a machine, looking at wounds and wondering where life was going to take us both.
This year, exactly one year later, we were sitting in a girlfriends living room surrounded by eight woman that I had graduated high school with. The get together was started by Michele wanting to visit with myself and Nancy so they could see Cora and how much she has changed the last few months. It just kind of snowballed from there. Cora and I ended up at Valerie's house for a lunch and with other women joining in.
We arrived and toys were found and Cora was placed on the floor in the middle of the group. She looked at everyone, played with toys and entertained herself. We spent the time laughing and talking and laughing some more. Cora spent the time looking at all of these beautiful women and at moments would squeal and kick her legs and clap. She enjoyed time in Auntie Brenda's lap and Auntie Valarie's lap and tried to untie Auntie Michele's shoes. She spent time casually leaning against Auntie Nancy's leg while she watched us silly women laughing yet again.
I don't know if anyone else understood the significance of yesterday for me. I was quiet sometimes, just smiling and listening , simply because I was breathing in the joy of the moment. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by women who accepted Cora openly and didn't have a negative thing to say about what I could expect in the future. They didn't utter a negative word about how hard life could be for Cora or her challenges.
The greatest blessing we both received yesterday was the hugs and the warmth that these women offered to my baby girl. Cora once again won over a crowd of people to her side of the road. I know, without a moments hesitation, that if Cora needed something these women would stand up for her.
A year ago the day was spent in tears and a soul felt agony of worry. This year ,the day was spent in heartfelt joy and laughter. For me, the proudest moment was knowing that Cora was signing, playing and laughing along with all of us....just like an average baby would! Something I wasn't very sure of last year.
With that I would like to personally thank the women who made yesterday a great aniversary for Cora and me....Brenda, Kim B., Kim P., Michele, Valarie, Jackie, Beth, Nancy. We also have to mention Auntie Lee because I know she was there in spirit even though work kept her away. Cora sends mushy kisses and I send a prayer of blessing. Thanks Ladies!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Cora's Chiropractor
Just got back from a visit to Cora's chiropractor. It went well. She is adjusting quickly and as Dr. Burt said today, "She is adjusting and moving into place like butter." No more stuck Cora with an unmoving rib cage!
Its like this....if you leave a joint out of place and scar tissue forms around that joint, it remains stuck and out of place. Its easier to get an adjustment soon after trauma or injury so the joints go back to the place they belong and then scar tissue doesn't develop. Or, for that matter, arthritis. Ouch!!
(If your reading this Dr Burt, I hope I got your explanation right. )
I am happy that Cora likes her Chiropractor and that they get along. She greets him with smiles. They both share laughter as Cora makes grunting noises and little squeals while he twists her and turns her and bounces her little vertebrae and rib cage back into place.
What started out as uncomfortable and with grimaces from Cora has become a game between the two of them. Cora is back in place now and moving freely, and faster than ever. She now only needs to see him once a month.
I stand in awe of the gifts she continues to receive on this journey and the friends she continually brings around to travel her side of the road. Its a sunny day on the journey of Cora Jean!
Its like this....if you leave a joint out of place and scar tissue forms around that joint, it remains stuck and out of place. Its easier to get an adjustment soon after trauma or injury so the joints go back to the place they belong and then scar tissue doesn't develop. Or, for that matter, arthritis. Ouch!!
(If your reading this Dr Burt, I hope I got your explanation right. )
I am happy that Cora likes her Chiropractor and that they get along. She greets him with smiles. They both share laughter as Cora makes grunting noises and little squeals while he twists her and turns her and bounces her little vertebrae and rib cage back into place.
What started out as uncomfortable and with grimaces from Cora has become a game between the two of them. Cora is back in place now and moving freely, and faster than ever. She now only needs to see him once a month.
I stand in awe of the gifts she continues to receive on this journey and the friends she continually brings around to travel her side of the road. Its a sunny day on the journey of Cora Jean!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Its a Tuesday
Cora will start speech therapy soon. The Early On physical and occupational therapists feel she is ready for this part of her Early On program. She is very verbal, often mimicing sounds and facial expressions that you make while talking with her.
It is sometimes funny to watch Cora try and make the same mouth shape that you are making. She will go through a whole process of different shapes and finally get the right one. Cora will clap with joy at finally getting the right sound or shape and then go right back to doing it and clapping for herself each time she feels she gets it right.
I'd like to think that I taught her that strong will to keep at it until the goal is achieved. I'd like to think that I taught her to be her own champion, her own cheerleader. I'd really like to believe that. But somehow, I feel that this is a blessing she was given by Creator and I can only enhance that hidden knowledge.
We are all born with this knowledge, some of us just lose it along the road we travel in life. We become less our own cheerleaders and even less a cheerleader for those around us. We start to become judgemental and tainted in our thoughts and actions. We forget to laugh and clap with joy at our accomplishments.
Cora is able to laugh at herself and clap with such an open and heartfelt joy. She sees nothing wrong in congratulating herself for a job well done. She will smile and encourage those of us that live with her when we are struggling with fixing something, or cleaning the house. She watches our faces all the time and our body for cues to our emotions. When we get done with our task and smile or relax it is not unusual to hear a scream of delight and clapping hands from the silent observer who is only 29 inches tall. If our head is bent down and we seem sad she will lean forward, put her hands on my chest and tilt her head until look she can look up at me. She will say a few babbles and then give me the biggest smile. She is her own cheerleader as well as for those she loves.
Today, when I get done vacuuming and doing dishes I am going to clap for myself. I will clap with gratitude that those household chores are done. I have learned that even the slightest try, the smallest accomplishments deserve to be rewarded. Especially if they get the Cora approved clap!!
It is sometimes funny to watch Cora try and make the same mouth shape that you are making. She will go through a whole process of different shapes and finally get the right one. Cora will clap with joy at finally getting the right sound or shape and then go right back to doing it and clapping for herself each time she feels she gets it right.
I'd like to think that I taught her that strong will to keep at it until the goal is achieved. I'd like to think that I taught her to be her own champion, her own cheerleader. I'd really like to believe that. But somehow, I feel that this is a blessing she was given by Creator and I can only enhance that hidden knowledge.
We are all born with this knowledge, some of us just lose it along the road we travel in life. We become less our own cheerleaders and even less a cheerleader for those around us. We start to become judgemental and tainted in our thoughts and actions. We forget to laugh and clap with joy at our accomplishments.
Cora is able to laugh at herself and clap with such an open and heartfelt joy. She sees nothing wrong in congratulating herself for a job well done. She will smile and encourage those of us that live with her when we are struggling with fixing something, or cleaning the house. She watches our faces all the time and our body for cues to our emotions. When we get done with our task and smile or relax it is not unusual to hear a scream of delight and clapping hands from the silent observer who is only 29 inches tall. If our head is bent down and we seem sad she will lean forward, put her hands on my chest and tilt her head until look she can look up at me. She will say a few babbles and then give me the biggest smile. She is her own cheerleader as well as for those she loves.
Today, when I get done vacuuming and doing dishes I am going to clap for myself. I will clap with gratitude that those household chores are done. I have learned that even the slightest try, the smallest accomplishments deserve to be rewarded. Especially if they get the Cora approved clap!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Cora's Heart
Today Cora and I traveled to Cheboygan and then to Petoskey for her appointments. The appointment at her pediatric cardiologist went VERY well. I took Cora there in good spirits and with optimistic feelings of success. I left in great spirits and a heart filled with continued gratitude.
Here's the scoop:
Cora's regurge is still at mild to moderate, but the left ventricle and left atrium are now a normal size and match in size to her height and weight. While the regurge is still a concern, there is no surgery in the immediate future for Cora. ( inserting another prayer of gratitude here ). Dr. Webb felt that we can be less cautiously optimistic and more optimistic after seeing Cora for herself and viewing the echo cardiogram and EKG. While she is still concerned that the weight gain is an early sign of heart failure ( this according to Cora's past history ) she is certain enough that the progress is good and that Cora shouldn't need another surgery for awhile. ( OK, inserting a few words of gratitude again !)
I left with instructions to adjust Cora's medicine again and continue on with the Reliv for Cora.
I also left with huge smiles and laughter on my heart.
Cora's additional milestones from the last listing :
she is signing 13 words
she is verbalizing 4 words
she sits, lie downs and crawls quicker than you can catch her sometimes
she tries to open and close doors when in your arms
she talks to anyone that makes eye contact (and if she doesn't, take her cue and go the other way)
she can put signs together to make a two or three word sentence
she thrives with energy work, chiropractic care and RELIV
she hugs when she is glad to see you
she tries to give kisses by rubbing her head against your forehead
she is pointing to things that interest her
she is mimicking everything you do
I am sure there are probably a few more that I have forgotten, but y'all get the picture. This baby girl is thriving and exploring life in all the ways that she can. The other day she snuck out of her barrier in the living room and came into the kitchen with her army crawl. I was doing dishes, engrossed in my thoughts, and all of a sudden there was a cute little "mama" and when I looked around here was Cora peering at me around the corner of the kitchen cupboard. Then she laughed and laughed when she saw how surprised I was!
Yes, life is good with Cora and finally full of much laughter. Today it was filled with laughter from all the nurses in Dr. Webb's office who have come to love and cherish little Miss Cora. A laughter filled with gratitude that Miss Cora is doing well and got two thumbs up today. There were many congrats on our way out the door, and many hugs too.
I felt like royalty who had just won another jackpot! I think Cora even did a princess wave as I pushed her carriage down the hallway. haha!
Here's the scoop:
Cora's regurge is still at mild to moderate, but the left ventricle and left atrium are now a normal size and match in size to her height and weight. While the regurge is still a concern, there is no surgery in the immediate future for Cora. ( inserting another prayer of gratitude here ). Dr. Webb felt that we can be less cautiously optimistic and more optimistic after seeing Cora for herself and viewing the echo cardiogram and EKG. While she is still concerned that the weight gain is an early sign of heart failure ( this according to Cora's past history ) she is certain enough that the progress is good and that Cora shouldn't need another surgery for awhile. ( OK, inserting a few words of gratitude again !)
I left with instructions to adjust Cora's medicine again and continue on with the Reliv for Cora.
I also left with huge smiles and laughter on my heart.
Cora's additional milestones from the last listing :
she is signing 13 words
she is verbalizing 4 words
she sits, lie downs and crawls quicker than you can catch her sometimes
she tries to open and close doors when in your arms
she talks to anyone that makes eye contact (and if she doesn't, take her cue and go the other way)
she can put signs together to make a two or three word sentence
she thrives with energy work, chiropractic care and RELIV
she hugs when she is glad to see you
she tries to give kisses by rubbing her head against your forehead
she is pointing to things that interest her
she is mimicking everything you do
I am sure there are probably a few more that I have forgotten, but y'all get the picture. This baby girl is thriving and exploring life in all the ways that she can. The other day she snuck out of her barrier in the living room and came into the kitchen with her army crawl. I was doing dishes, engrossed in my thoughts, and all of a sudden there was a cute little "mama" and when I looked around here was Cora peering at me around the corner of the kitchen cupboard. Then she laughed and laughed when she saw how surprised I was!
Yes, life is good with Cora and finally full of much laughter. Today it was filled with laughter from all the nurses in Dr. Webb's office who have come to love and cherish little Miss Cora. A laughter filled with gratitude that Miss Cora is doing well and got two thumbs up today. There were many congrats on our way out the door, and many hugs too.
I felt like royalty who had just won another jackpot! I think Cora even did a princess wave as I pushed her carriage down the hallway. haha!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Cora goes Campin'
Cora experienced camping life first hand. I took her and the other kids for a couple of days of camping and it was full of good times and happy pictures. Cora took it all in stride, smiled lots of smiles, said "Hi" to anyone that would listen. She would point at things she wanted to discover and I would try to remember the sign that went along with whatever she was pointing too. I even got the opportunity to increase awareness of Down syndrome and Cora did her part by showing off what a baby "can do" instead of what she couldn't do. Such a blessing!
Cora's older sister was visiting from Florida and it made the time spent with family and no gadgets a memorable time for all of us. Best of all, Cora went for her very first swim in the lake. Being that the water was a little cold I left her long dress on, but it didn't damper her attempts at discovery.
This past weekend was spent building Cora's immune system and just having some good old fashioned family time. Now its back to the real world and an echo cardiogram for Cora tomorrow in Petoskey. Life is all about the adventure and journey, and how well you decided to travel it. Cora chooses to travel with smiles and hugs and a genuine interest in everyone and everything around her. For today, its all good. And for me, that's all great!
Enjoy the camping pictures and continued blessings to you as you share this journey with us.
Cora's older sister was visiting from Florida and it made the time spent with family and no gadgets a memorable time for all of us. Best of all, Cora went for her very first swim in the lake. Being that the water was a little cold I left her long dress on, but it didn't damper her attempts at discovery.
This past weekend was spent building Cora's immune system and just having some good old fashioned family time. Now its back to the real world and an echo cardiogram for Cora tomorrow in Petoskey. Life is all about the adventure and journey, and how well you decided to travel it. Cora chooses to travel with smiles and hugs and a genuine interest in everyone and everything around her. For today, its all good. And for me, that's all great!
Enjoy the camping pictures and continued blessings to you as you share this journey with us.
(lf to rt... Kelsey, Phoenix, Melissa holding Cora, Emily) All Cora's siblings in one pic - yeehaw!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Cora's Beauty
We've all heard it. We've all been told at some point in our life that we are a beautiful person. Maybe a few times, or maybe several times, but in a any case we have all heard it. If you are like most people, you may have dismissed it as soon as you heard it or you may have said thank you and then forgotten the compliment.
Cora has a beauty that is quiet, simple and loving. Daily, by those that cross our path, she is complimented on her beauty. She is told she is beautiful and she is offered love and acceptance from the people who offer up this announcement to her. The compliments outweigh the negative comments and for that I am very grateful. Selfishly for myself as well as for Cora.
Raising Cora this past 16 months has been a journey within a journey. Self growth for me and survival for Cora. Negatives and positives along the way. Compliments and criticism. Pride and humility. But in all of this journey there has been continual beauty. Each and every day. Somtimes in the smallest breath she takes. Sometimes in the laughter she lets loose.
When Cora hears the "beautiful" comment she gets quiet and stares at the person who is speaking to her. She turns solemn and looks steadily into the other person's eyes. Seemingly gazing right into the very soul of the individual. Intensely looking and pondering. If that person is fortunate, at that moment, just when you think those big blue eyes cannot possibly hold the gaze for another breath, Cora will break out in smile and and squeal.
For Cora life is beautiful. Just yesterday she started pointing to things that have caught her attention and needs a closer look. Cora now points to beauty and that is another milestone crossed for our Beautiful Cora.
Take a moment and see beauty in your life today. Maybe next time you hear the beautiful compliment, take a moment and really take it in to your very soul...then break out in a smile and squeal with thankfulness. After all, it works for Cora!
Cora has a beauty that is quiet, simple and loving. Daily, by those that cross our path, she is complimented on her beauty. She is told she is beautiful and she is offered love and acceptance from the people who offer up this announcement to her. The compliments outweigh the negative comments and for that I am very grateful. Selfishly for myself as well as for Cora.
Raising Cora this past 16 months has been a journey within a journey. Self growth for me and survival for Cora. Negatives and positives along the way. Compliments and criticism. Pride and humility. But in all of this journey there has been continual beauty. Each and every day. Somtimes in the smallest breath she takes. Sometimes in the laughter she lets loose.
When Cora hears the "beautiful" comment she gets quiet and stares at the person who is speaking to her. She turns solemn and looks steadily into the other person's eyes. Seemingly gazing right into the very soul of the individual. Intensely looking and pondering. If that person is fortunate, at that moment, just when you think those big blue eyes cannot possibly hold the gaze for another breath, Cora will break out in smile and and squeal.
For Cora life is beautiful. Just yesterday she started pointing to things that have caught her attention and needs a closer look. Cora now points to beauty and that is another milestone crossed for our Beautiful Cora.
Take a moment and see beauty in your life today. Maybe next time you hear the beautiful compliment, take a moment and really take it in to your very soul...then break out in a smile and squeal with thankfulness. After all, it works for Cora!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Cora's critical lesson
Time flies by while Cora continues to have fun. I watch her crossing the living room floor in her now infamous army crawl. It takes her all of a minute to get from one side of the room to the next. This journey used to take her 30 minutes and that was with one of us giving her feet a bracing point and several rest stops on the way. She now traverses this route with little effort and lots of smiles and babble along the way.
I watch her signing "Love mama" and "Love sister" and brother, papa and gg and auntie, etc. She does this at the most spontaneous moments and with the sweetest smile on her face and a beautiful sparkle in her eyes. She knows what she is saying.
I watch and become excited at the gain in balance she has achieved since visiting the chiropractor and having her energy work. I see the strength increasing daily and her cognitive skills multiplying faster than I can do the times table, and this is from adding the Reliv products to her daily menu.
I sit back and watch Cora a great deal. I sit and watch and reflect and my gratitude grows. I am so thankful that I have learned the lesson of not listening to the critics. If I had listened to the critics Cora's day would surely be different.
She wouldn't be signing, she wouldn't be crawling, she wouldn't be doing cognitive reasoning that is beyond her age and expectations (for an infant with Down syndrome), she would still be moving with a stuck spine and ribcage, she would probably be getting a medical intervention to help the failure to thrive, she would still be .......well - you get the picture.
Cora was born not listening to the critics and proving them wrong with the very first breath she took. She has gifted me with this ability. I have learned to be her voice and to follow my "gut instinct" and to not listen to the critics. I have learned that I might have to displease a few people along this journey by not listening to their criticism and excusing them from traveling with us. I have found that even those with the most well meaning of intentions are actually holding Cora back, by following up their suggestions with a opinion that contains criticism or a warning of what Cora won't do.
I know without a doubt, that Cora and Creator have her journey all designed and planned. One of the lessons on this journey has been to ignore the critics. There are always going to be critics in anyones life, especially those whose lives are challenged from the very beginning. Cora has taught me to allow people the respect of knowing that they are listened to, to allow them their opinion, and then graciously thank them and send them on their way.
There are always going to be critics, there are always going to be those that offer their opinion and negative feedback. As long as I understand that, but don't take it to heart, their criticism goes no further than the breathe that carried the words.
The beauty of this lesson is that as long as we send those that criticise or are negative toward Cora's journey away with understanding, instead of condemnation, Creator will continue to bless us. I have found that for every one person we dismiss from her life, Creator has brought us five more that support her and encourage her growth.
So, don't waste your time on people that will condemn you or try to make you fit into a box that they feel you should be in. Don't let anyone criticise your choices when you are trying to live your life according to the journey that Creator has chosen for you. Embrace you lessons and your destiny. You don't need any one's approval. The only approval you need is that of Creator.
For me, approval also comes from the one who greets me every morning with blue eyes and the words "mama" while she signs "love you".
I watch her signing "Love mama" and "Love sister" and brother, papa and gg and auntie, etc. She does this at the most spontaneous moments and with the sweetest smile on her face and a beautiful sparkle in her eyes. She knows what she is saying.
I watch and become excited at the gain in balance she has achieved since visiting the chiropractor and having her energy work. I see the strength increasing daily and her cognitive skills multiplying faster than I can do the times table, and this is from adding the Reliv products to her daily menu.
I sit back and watch Cora a great deal. I sit and watch and reflect and my gratitude grows. I am so thankful that I have learned the lesson of not listening to the critics. If I had listened to the critics Cora's day would surely be different.
She wouldn't be signing, she wouldn't be crawling, she wouldn't be doing cognitive reasoning that is beyond her age and expectations (for an infant with Down syndrome), she would still be moving with a stuck spine and ribcage, she would probably be getting a medical intervention to help the failure to thrive, she would still be .......well - you get the picture.
Cora was born not listening to the critics and proving them wrong with the very first breath she took. She has gifted me with this ability. I have learned to be her voice and to follow my "gut instinct" and to not listen to the critics. I have learned that I might have to displease a few people along this journey by not listening to their criticism and excusing them from traveling with us. I have found that even those with the most well meaning of intentions are actually holding Cora back, by following up their suggestions with a opinion that contains criticism or a warning of what Cora won't do.
I know without a doubt, that Cora and Creator have her journey all designed and planned. One of the lessons on this journey has been to ignore the critics. There are always going to be critics in anyones life, especially those whose lives are challenged from the very beginning. Cora has taught me to allow people the respect of knowing that they are listened to, to allow them their opinion, and then graciously thank them and send them on their way.
There are always going to be critics, there are always going to be those that offer their opinion and negative feedback. As long as I understand that, but don't take it to heart, their criticism goes no further than the breathe that carried the words.
The beauty of this lesson is that as long as we send those that criticise or are negative toward Cora's journey away with understanding, instead of condemnation, Creator will continue to bless us. I have found that for every one person we dismiss from her life, Creator has brought us five more that support her and encourage her growth.
So, don't waste your time on people that will condemn you or try to make you fit into a box that they feel you should be in. Don't let anyone criticise your choices when you are trying to live your life according to the journey that Creator has chosen for you. Embrace you lessons and your destiny. You don't need any one's approval. The only approval you need is that of Creator.
For me, approval also comes from the one who greets me every morning with blue eyes and the words "mama" while she signs "love you".
Monday, August 6, 2012
Cora passes the test
Cora had a visit with the eye specialist to make sure that her eyes were developing the way they are suppose to be. I was hesitant to allow them to use the eye drops that dilate her eyes, she is still on medicines and I worried about the interaction. The Doctor was pretty determined that she needed her eyes dilated and even to the point of being persistent. At one point he even used the reasoning with me that infants with Down syndrome are more prone to serious eye issues. He reassured me many times that Cora would not have a negative reaction to the eye drops. I finally relented. The drops were only suppose to work for 8 - 24 hours.
36 hours passed and Cora's right eye was still dilated and not focusing the right way. I had called the family eye doctor with concerns and he said I could bring her in to be seen in the afternoon, and they could probably give her medicine to reverse the dilation. More medicine??????
In the meantime, I had to take her to another chiropractic care appointment. I seemed to be the only one really concerned with Cora's eye not focusing and still being dilated, and since I tend to worry about my baby girl, I went ahead and took her to her chiropractic appointment.
When we walked into the office, Dr. Burt commented on Cora's eyes and I told him the story. He said, "Well, she looks out of alignment today so let's see what happens." He started to adjust her and half way through.....zing! her eye went back to normal. I was amazed at the magic. He told me it wasn't magic and he often sees those kind of results. Something was probably pinched and not letting the blood flow move like it was suppose to and therefore the medicine couldn't leave the eye like it needed to. All I could say was, "WOW".
A rare moment for me to be without words! haha. Yet, a very reassuring one. For the naysayers that felt Cora didn't need the chiropractic care, there you have it. Proof that the body can heal itself if you give it the right adjustments and nutrition........and there was no medicine involved. Isn't that wonderful?!
36 hours passed and Cora's right eye was still dilated and not focusing the right way. I had called the family eye doctor with concerns and he said I could bring her in to be seen in the afternoon, and they could probably give her medicine to reverse the dilation. More medicine??????
In the meantime, I had to take her to another chiropractic care appointment. I seemed to be the only one really concerned with Cora's eye not focusing and still being dilated, and since I tend to worry about my baby girl, I went ahead and took her to her chiropractic appointment.
When we walked into the office, Dr. Burt commented on Cora's eyes and I told him the story. He said, "Well, she looks out of alignment today so let's see what happens." He started to adjust her and half way through.....zing! her eye went back to normal. I was amazed at the magic. He told me it wasn't magic and he often sees those kind of results. Something was probably pinched and not letting the blood flow move like it was suppose to and therefore the medicine couldn't leave the eye like it needed to. All I could say was, "WOW".
A rare moment for me to be without words! haha. Yet, a very reassuring one. For the naysayers that felt Cora didn't need the chiropractic care, there you have it. Proof that the body can heal itself if you give it the right adjustments and nutrition........and there was no medicine involved. Isn't that wonderful?!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Cora and the Chiropractor
New things for Cora and she just keeps taking it in stride. It was suggested that Cora visit with a chiropractor because her rib cage and spinal column seemed to be locked tight.
Away we went to Cheboygan to see Dr. Burt and he has already worked wonders for Cora. Her mobility has increased and her balance is even better and stronger than what it has been. After her first visit she was coughing a little and when I asked the Doc about it he just smiled and said "wonderful". Wonderful?
He went on to explain that muscles and scar tissue were most likely constricting some of the blood flow and oxygen to the rib and lung area and since that was loosened and relaxed from the chiropractic adjustment the coughing indicated an increase in functioning and it should disappear. Well, he was right, after that first evening her coughing was gone.....and new energy had been found. She does need some motrin after the visits, but I have seen an increase in her bending and flexibility when she reaches for her toys. Yahoo!
Overall, Cora is making huge moves both cognitively and physically. I know I have said this before, and be patient with me as I say it again, it is such a blessing to see these changes in her. I don't take any of it for granted and continue to thank Creator for leading Cora and I where he needs us to go for her continued growth and travel on this journey.
The latest path led us to a chiropractor in Cheboygan....I wonder where we go to next? I am hoping its Hawaii!!
Away we went to Cheboygan to see Dr. Burt and he has already worked wonders for Cora. Her mobility has increased and her balance is even better and stronger than what it has been. After her first visit she was coughing a little and when I asked the Doc about it he just smiled and said "wonderful". Wonderful?
He went on to explain that muscles and scar tissue were most likely constricting some of the blood flow and oxygen to the rib and lung area and since that was loosened and relaxed from the chiropractic adjustment the coughing indicated an increase in functioning and it should disappear. Well, he was right, after that first evening her coughing was gone.....and new energy had been found. She does need some motrin after the visits, but I have seen an increase in her bending and flexibility when she reaches for her toys. Yahoo!
Overall, Cora is making huge moves both cognitively and physically. I know I have said this before, and be patient with me as I say it again, it is such a blessing to see these changes in her. I don't take any of it for granted and continue to thank Creator for leading Cora and I where he needs us to go for her continued growth and travel on this journey.
The latest path led us to a chiropractor in Cheboygan....I wonder where we go to next? I am hoping its Hawaii!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Cora just keeps
Getting bigger and bigger. She now weighs a whopping 17 pounds and 12 ounces and has grown another 1/2inch in length. Cora gives a great example of what "thriving" is and what "surviving" used to be like. She continues to thrive in this new found love of life and gains greater strength everyday. It so refreshing for me, as her mama, to see these continuing changes in her.
I took her to visit with a girlfriend last night, and we sat around the campfire. I love the fact that Cora now notices everything in her surroundings and doesn't hesitate to smile when she notices something new. She was enthralled with the campfire and bug zapper and fell in love with the attention her Auntie Lee and Auntie Donna were lavishing on her.
To see the love that surrounds my daughter and the total acceptance of who she is, not what she was born with, is an absolute blessing. I know without hesitation that ALL of Cora's "Heart Aunties" will be forever in her corner, cheering her on, celebrating her victories and being there holding our hands when there are more struggles.
I took her to visit with a girlfriend last night, and we sat around the campfire. I love the fact that Cora now notices everything in her surroundings and doesn't hesitate to smile when she notices something new. She was enthralled with the campfire and bug zapper and fell in love with the attention her Auntie Lee and Auntie Donna were lavishing on her.
To see the love that surrounds my daughter and the total acceptance of who she is, not what she was born with, is an absolute blessing. I know without hesitation that ALL of Cora's "Heart Aunties" will be forever in her corner, cheering her on, celebrating her victories and being there holding our hands when there are more struggles.
The realization that Cora is now aware of these wonderful women and recognizes them and signs "auntie" when she sees them is a huge reward for those that continue on this journey with us. Despite the fact the we all have to take turns holding her because she is now heavy enough to make arms tired, those arms continue to hold her in prayer and love. Cora now returns those hugs with some of her own. That in itself is a huge change in Cora.....and a much welcomed one from those that surround her.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Cora loves her tunnel
For Cora's therapy, Early on brought a tunnel. They wanted Cora to learn how to crawl with her legs more underneath herself and to sit up with her legs in front of her. Right now Cora sits up by swinging her legs out to the sides and then sitting up. Kind of like a helicopter maneuver.
Funny, I was so excited to see her sitting and crawling that I never even thought about the fact that there is a certain way to do these things. With Cora having the hypertrophy in her joints and muscles, allowing her to continue in this manner encourages her hips and knees to develop in the wrong way.
Cora loves the new tunnel. For her it is a game and not a teaching tool. I love this process because Cora doesn't realize it is a correction for something she is doing in a way that is harmful for her. Cora just wants to play inside the tunnel. Especially if her brother Phoenix is at the other end laughing at her silliness. Cora can army crawl pretty fast to the other end and once she gets there she makes a growl sound and grabs his ears. When he laughs, Cora bounces her legs and laughs with him.
Life should be this gentle. We all need those subtle gifts that can change the behavior that is damaging to us, but at the same time, allows us to grow in a healthy way. We just need to approach those changes like Cora, with an army crawl and laughter in our hearts. For me, this would make life changes much more manageable and I would even be willing to play the game of changing the unhealthy behavior, and laughing with happiness at the end result. How about you?
Funny, I was so excited to see her sitting and crawling that I never even thought about the fact that there is a certain way to do these things. With Cora having the hypertrophy in her joints and muscles, allowing her to continue in this manner encourages her hips and knees to develop in the wrong way.
Cora loves the new tunnel. For her it is a game and not a teaching tool. I love this process because Cora doesn't realize it is a correction for something she is doing in a way that is harmful for her. Cora just wants to play inside the tunnel. Especially if her brother Phoenix is at the other end laughing at her silliness. Cora can army crawl pretty fast to the other end and once she gets there she makes a growl sound and grabs his ears. When he laughs, Cora bounces her legs and laughs with him.
Life should be this gentle. We all need those subtle gifts that can change the behavior that is damaging to us, but at the same time, allows us to grow in a healthy way. We just need to approach those changes like Cora, with an army crawl and laughter in our hearts. For me, this would make life changes much more manageable and I would even be willing to play the game of changing the unhealthy behavior, and laughing with happiness at the end result. How about you?
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