Cora has again found her feet on solid ground. With the recent change in medicine her little body finally adjusted and seems to be again on the right road for healing. She still struggles with the swelling in her hands, but at least the swelling in the rest of her body has subsided.
In fact, these past few days Cora has been once again her active crawling self. I continually had to keep her out of whatever appliance wires she could find and away from Edenpure heater. In defeat and frustration on Cora's part I decided to purchase a portable play yard for the living room.
Cora let me know how much she disagreed with this decision! Finally, she saw the reasoning behind it and started to play with her toys. She played with her toys and babbled her baby talk. I sat watching her and again was filled with awe at her growth. Because while I was watching, she began to talk to her baby doll and she suddenly looked up at me and signed "baby". A new sign for Cora!
Yes, she is definitely continuing on her journey and today it is filled with peace and comfort. The kind of peace that shows in Cora's casual play and is felt within a mama's heart. Despite the hardships, the struggles, the little scares and the momentary set-backs, it continues to be a blessed journey for us both...and in truth, I am ok with that. After all, Cora continues to teach me and I am not too old to learn!
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