Monday, August 20, 2012

Cora goes Campin'

Cora experienced camping life first hand.  I took her and the other kids for a couple of days of camping and it was full of good times and happy pictures.  Cora took it all in stride, smiled lots of smiles, said "Hi" to anyone that would listen.  She would point at things she wanted to discover and I would try to remember the sign that went along with whatever she was pointing too.  I even got the opportunity to increase awareness of  Down syndrome and Cora did her part by showing off what a baby "can do"  instead of what she couldn't do.  Such a blessing!

Cora's older sister was visiting from Florida and it made the time spent with family and no gadgets a memorable time for all of us.  Best of all, Cora went for her very first swim in the lake.  Being that the water was a little cold I left her long dress on, but it didn't damper her attempts at discovery.

This past weekend was spent building Cora's immune system and just having some good old fashioned family time.  Now its back to the real world and an echo cardiogram for Cora tomorrow in Petoskey. Life is all about the adventure and journey, and how well you decided to travel it.  Cora chooses to travel with smiles and hugs and a genuine interest in everyone and everything around her.  For today, its all good.  And for me, that's all great!

Enjoy the camping pictures and continued blessings to you as you share this journey with us.

  First swim...and its a little cold, but so interesting!

Saying "Hi" to the cute baby in the mirror.

 Camping IS for messy faces mama!

 Oh, there's mama, inside the more fussy me then!

 Quick take the picture mama before Cora squirms away!
(lf to rt... Kelsey, Phoenix, Melissa holding Cora, Emily) All Cora's siblings in one pic - yeehaw!!

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