Cora is a whopping 21 pounds and 31 1/2 inches long today. The official measurements are in as she had to go to Pickford Medical Center for her synergist (sp?) shot. It helps keep her from getting pneumonia during the winter months. She will get these monthly shots again this winter to help protect her and her heart from respiratory infections.
I knew she had been growing because I have had to buy her all new onesies and shirts. Here upper body is doing most of the growing and its so funny to see a shirt that fit her a few days ago will no longer button or fit over the little tummy. I, however, did not realize she had grown that much. A blessing indeed!!
Cora doesn't realize how big she is getting either. Things that she used to be able to do, like sit in her plastic tub that holds toys she can no longer fit into. The look on her face is priceless when I watch her try to fit into the tub that used to easily hold all of her body and now leaves her legs and head hanging out both ends.
With this physical growth and the changes to her body she is getting more adept at many things. She can now reach the top of her crib rail and will work her way up the crib bars with her hands, get on her knees and stretch her finger tips to hold the rail. It is lovely to see the look of happiness on her face when she achieves her goal of hanging on to the rail and being up on her knees. The world is growing right along with Cora and she loves the new views she is getting along with the added height.
Cora was gifted with a baby doll crib today and she loved it. She kept signing baby and pointing to the play crib for one of us to put the baby to bed. Then she started to play on her own with the new baby doll crib. Eeventually one of her older sisters couldn't keep from helping Cora into the crib. Cora was so happy and silly with this turn of events, but alas she was to big for this toy as well!
Today found Cora growing, are you growing too? My faith continues to grow and deepen as I travel this road on Cora's journey and it is my hope that today you find your faith growing as well.
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