Gone is the baby who is content to sit back and watch the world go by. In her place a new baby has emerged. One that will grab your face and turn your head to look at what she wants you to look at. If pointing hasn't gotten your attention, then her hands will eagerly turn your face to look at the object. She is no longer content to just look either, she wants to go to whatever has caught her attention and she wants you to let her touch it, and feel it, and explain to her what it is. Cora will watch you intently as you show her the sign for the new object.
Full of life! That's a great way to describe Cora right now. She is full of life and enthusiasm. While waiting in the Doctor's office for her weekly weigh in this morning, she was staring intently at the gentleman who was also waiting for his appointment. She would babble at him and then laugh. Cora pointed to him and signed "papa" and kept on talking away. This man gave her a polite smile and commented on how happy Cora was and how engaging she could be with another person. I told him that if Cora wasn't happy or smiling then something was wrong, because Cora was usually a happy baby.
Her weight today was a whopping 20 lbs 4 ounces and she is 30 inches long. Cora continues to take her RELIV nutrition everyday and RELIV continues to enable her body to heal itself. How you ask? Well, in a recent visit with the pediatric cardiologist we found that her left ventricle and atrium are now the normal shape and size for Cora's body length and weight. This has never been the case for Cora's heart and the cardiologist was astounded at the physical changes that had taken place with Cora's heart. I was amazed as well.
Cora is now signing 16 words and speaking 6 words verbally. She can sign in a two and three word sentences. She is starting to pull herself up into a semi kneeling position for reaching objects on tables and couches and she can army crawl faster than her mama can catch her sometimes! Cora has also started the separation anxiety and has no hesitation in letting someone know that she doesn't want to be held by them or have me out of her sight. Cora has grown physically and cognitively in these past 4 months of being on RELIV and with every one's prayers and Creator's grace she will continue in both those areas.
Does she owe all this progress and change to RELIV? I believe so. It wasn't until she started taking these wonderful products that the healing truly began and Cora was able to start taking an active part in her own journey. With prayers abound and nutrition offered in a time of desperation, Cora keeps giving all the doctors pause in their daily work. They pause and wonder at the miracle they see happening....I just smile and say a prayer of gratitude. Are there more moments of worry on this journey, absolutely! Yet, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter. Especially when I witness the miracle of healing happening right in front of me.
For again, I don't know what Cora and Creator have planned on this journey...I am just grateful that I am open to the ideas and changes that need to happen in order for Cora to fulfill the purpose she and Creator have designed.

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