Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cora's Beauty

We've all heard it.  We've all been told at some point in our life that we are a beautiful person.  Maybe a few times, or maybe several times, but in a any case we have all heard it.  If you are like most people, you may have dismissed it as soon as you heard it or you may have said thank you and then forgotten the compliment.

Cora has a beauty that is quiet, simple and loving.  Daily, by those that cross our path, she is complimented on her beauty.  She is told she is beautiful and she is offered love and acceptance from the people who offer up this announcement to her.  The compliments outweigh the negative comments and for that I am very grateful.  Selfishly for myself as well as for Cora.

Raising Cora this past 16 months has been a journey within a journey.  Self growth for me and survival for Cora.  Negatives and positives along the way.  Compliments and criticism.  Pride and humility.  But in all of this journey there has been continual beauty.  Each and every day. Somtimes in the smallest breath she takes.  Sometimes in the laughter she lets loose.

When Cora hears the  "beautiful" comment she gets quiet and stares at the person who is speaking to her.  She turns solemn and looks steadily into the other person's eyes.  Seemingly gazing right into the very soul of the individual.  Intensely looking and pondering.  If that person is fortunate, at that moment, just when you think those big blue eyes cannot possibly hold the gaze for another breath, Cora will break out in smile and and squeal. 

For Cora life is beautiful.  Just yesterday she started pointing to things that have caught her attention and needs a closer look.  Cora now points to beauty and that is another milestone crossed for our  Beautiful Cora. 

Take a moment and see beauty in your life today.  Maybe next time you hear the beautiful compliment, take a moment and really take it in to your very soul...then break out in a smile and squeal with thankfulness.  After all, it works for Cora!

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