Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cora and the Chiropractor

New things for Cora and she just keeps taking it in stride.  It was suggested that Cora visit with a chiropractor because her rib cage and spinal column seemed to be locked tight. 

Away we went to Cheboygan to see Dr. Burt and he has already worked wonders for Cora.  Her mobility has increased and her balance is even better and stronger than what it has been.  After her first visit she was coughing a little and when I asked the Doc about it he just smiled and said "wonderful".  Wonderful? 

He went on to explain that muscles and scar tissue were most likely constricting some of the blood flow and oxygen to the rib and lung area and since that was loosened and relaxed from the chiropractic adjustment the coughing indicated an increase in functioning and it should disappear.  Well, he was right, after that first evening her coughing was gone.....and new energy had been found.  She does need some motrin after the visits, but I have seen an increase in her bending and flexibility when she reaches for her toys.  Yahoo!

Overall, Cora is making huge moves both cognitively and physically.  I know I have said this before, and be patient with me as I say it again, it is such a blessing to see these changes in her.  I don't take any of it for granted and continue to thank Creator for leading Cora and I where he needs us to go for her continued growth and travel on this journey.

The latest path led us to a chiropractor in Cheboygan....I wonder where we go to next?  I am hoping its Hawaii!!

  17lbs 14 ounces and 16 months old....yeehaw!!

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