Thursday, October 18, 2012

The rain makes things grow

Cora has spent the last few days in the house because we have been getting so much rain.  Sometimes it has been raining so much, I have made jokes about reserving a suite on the next Ark that is being built.  With the rain comes growth.  The rain nourishes the ground and readies it for spring.  It supplements some of the moisture that has been lost over the summer, it gives way for rapid moving water in the creek that allows the beaver to move their logs for the dam.  I enables things to grow and expand.

In keeping with the time of year, Cora is also growing and gaining momentum.  The last few days have been a blessing for Cora and her desire to stand and support herself.  With added interaction of the siblings who are also stuck in the house, this means added playtime for Cora.  During one of these play times the girls had put one of the toys that Cora was incredibly interested in on the back of the couch cushion.  They helped Cora  to figure out that to reach the toy meant standing up on Emily's knees and getting the toy.  Once Cora realized that she could reach further and if she stood up the world looked different, she was into trying over and over.  Eventually she gained so much confidence that she was trying to climb up onto the couch.  Huge muscle improvement, tone and coordination for Cora.

With the rain we receive blessings.  Sometimes they are obvious and stare us in the face and sometimes we recognize them after they happen.  Either way, a blessing is the result of living in gratitude.  I am grateful for the rain.  The rain caused the older sisters to be in the house.  The older sisters being in the house gave Cora more playtime with people other than mama.  Other people playing meant there were several different approaches and ideas to achieving the goal of Cora standing up on her own.  The result?  I was gifted with  the blessing of getting to see Cora learn a new ability, achieve another milestone and watch the fascination on her face as she grasped the whole concept.

Rain definitely washes away the old and brings in the new and fresh.  Is the rain washing away some old stuff in your life and bringing in the new and fresh blessing?  If so, live in gratitude with Cora.  Because right now she is standing up by the couch and smiling in gratitude and achievement to anyone who will look her way!  Yes, the rain is definately a blessing.

Cora taking a break from the standing exercises and relaxing in big sisters lap.

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