Saturday, June 23, 2012

Drop it..... before it drops you

Cora was weighed again this week....are you ready for this?  She has gained another 5 ounces.  That brings her weight to a whopping 16 lbs." and 9 ounces.  That is such an absolute blessing and I am going to take it and run with it! 

Cora's strength and coordination continue to get better as well.  She has started asking questions with her signing.  This is a new development for her.  This morning the kids were talking to me and they started talking about their papa and gg.  At this point Cora looked around and signed "papa" and I told her that  papa was not here.  She smiled at me and then she signed "gg" and I told her that gg was not here either.  At this point she nodded her head yes and went back to playing with her toys.

This is the first real interactive conversation and exchange that Cora and I have ever had.  With her asking the questions and my answering them.  It is usually myself or the kids asking her or telling her with sign language and words.  For the first time, Cora initiated the conversation and asked the questions.  Huge cognitive development and I again take this blessing and run with it. 

Cora is blooming in so many areas and very quickly.  I was given hope in the idea of adding the RELIV products for Cora.  In hearing so many other stories of moms that have made this leap of faith, it has delivered hope and blessings to myself and Cora.  A mere nutritional product that offers Cora a better life, one filled with weight gain and so many extra blessings.

Imagine if I had been closed minded to the idea?  Imagine if I had been so set in my ways of doing things that I would cling to the belief that the answer was in a medical intervention instead of a nutritional product.  Imagine if I wasn't willing to DROP any preconceived ideas of medical help, or wouldn't DROP the idea that I couldn't listen to my own instincts?  Clinging to these knowings, clutching them to my heart without any willingness to listen or change my first belief?

Here is where today's life lesson is.  Because I was willing to DROP those ideas and DROP the notion that only medical intervention would help Cora.  Because I was willing to listen to my instincts and with my unending belief  in answered DROPPING those beliefs and adding new ones, Cora is improving in all areas of her life.  If I hadn't been willing to DROP those ideas and beliefs, they would have surely ended up DROPPING Cora.  They probably would have dropped her into that continual down ward spiral.

Be willing to take a look at your life and Drop whatever it is you are clinging too ......before it drops you!!
The first picture of Cora sitting by herself.  Isn't it absolutely lovely! 

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