Monday, June 11, 2012

Cora's toolbox is filling up...

Through the months Cora's "Toolbox of Life" has been getting gifted with tools for her survival and thriving.  This journey has brought us some well known tools and then some not so well known. 
Cora has received some medical and non-medical tools, as well as individuals in her "Toolbox of Life" on this journey she is building.  With the latest piece added to her pretty pink leopard (that's how I picture it anyhow) toolbox, she is again accelerating on her journey.  I am in absolute amazement at what the latest tool has given her and is offering her.  I am a firm believer  in the product, just by the results I am seeing in Cora.

With that, I will gaze into her beautiful pretty pink leopard toolbox and tell you what I find....

I see -
Early On
Dr. Bove
Mott Children's Hospital
Auntie Brenda
Auntie Maria
Many more Heart Sister Auntie's with their unconditional love, prayers and support
13 doses of medicine that is now down to 8 doses/day
Dr. Statler
Pickford Medical Center
Community of Christ church group prayers
Blog followers and their prayers
Siblings that offer her continued hugs, encouragement, and love
Diane and her energy work massage
Darrell and his bio-energy work
Dr. Christianson
and all the other people that have a hand in Cora's continual healing....

I see so many gifts that are filling Cora's toolbox.  Its been a week on this new product and I am already seeing a change in Cora.  I am not the only one, others are commenting on how much more alert Cora is.  It has also been mentioned that her eyes are clearer and bluer.  She is aware of things that she never was before and can do longer playtime before she needs a break.  If at all possible, I think she is even babbling more. she has started dropping a toy off her high chair tray and will look for it immediately and try to get your attention to pick it up for her.  She has not had that much awareness before and when dropping something from the high chair, or the car seat, would forget that she had it and go on to something else.  This past week has me and Cora traveling on a different route on our journey, yet the road has become smoother.  Cora has indeed been blessed with the latest addition to her toolbox.

Cora's toolbox is getting fuller, but its not too heavy for this Mama to carry.  In fact, I think the fuller it gets, the lighter it feels.  Make sense?

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