I made the breakfast smoothies today and Cora sat in her high chair and watched as the blender did its magic. I marvel sometimes at how far Cora has come and that she is so expressive and responsive now. Before this last surgery Cora always seemed to have a distant look and was not very full of energy. Now, everyday is a new day with her. Everyday she is aware and very interactive and wants to be in the middle of where the action is. Even it is means sitting in her highchair watching me load the dishwasher or laying in her crib watching me fold laundry.
While doing the tasks of everyday life I talk to her and tell her what I am doing. I use sign language when it involves something that I can sign and have even started to tell her the textures of things when she touches them and the colors of objects she plays with. Education is a blessing and Cora shows it in her willingness to be involved and interact.
>((The NG Tube insertion for her meds is getting easier. Cora seems to tolerate the insertion of the tube better for the three times a day she has to take her medicine. I believe she knows that the tube comes back out as soon as the medicine is in her tummy. Whereas before she didn't like it being inserted because she knew it would stay taped to her face. Emily has learned how to insert the NG Tube and measure the medicine. The NG Tube in itself is not hard to insert, its the fear that you are going to put it in the wrong spot or that you might be hurting Cora that makes it hard. Emotionally challenging for sure.))<
After her NG Tube was inserted, meds given, and NG Tube taken out Cora was totally engrossed in watching all of us drink our smoothies. when I asked Cora if she wanted some, she made the sign for "milk" (guess she is ready to learn the eat sign). I put a little in a bowl, mixed in some of her oatmeal and gave her a taste. She was totally into the taste of that smoothie. I am glad we make them at home and they are all natural! I have really tried to get Cora used to new tastes lately and keeping her on the natural taste of food. I have read that many children with Down syndrome struggle with weight issues and diabetes. My theory is that if I can get Cora to love the taste of fruits and veggies it will help keep her away from the junk foods.
So today marks the day that Cora had her first taste of yogurt and absolutely loved it. And yes, Dr. Statler, I know.....keep up the veggies before the sweet tasting stuff. I promise to feed her squash for dinner.
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