Friday, December 16, 2011

Cora works hard

Yesterday found us in Marquette again.  Cora was to see Dr. Christansen for her check up.  She hasn't been gaining weight, in fact losing a little, and all were concerned that Cora's heart was stressing  and showing that stress.  Her EKG and check up shows that she is doing rather well and holding her own.  The random vomiting is thought to be from all the medicine she has been having to take so I was instructed to continue giving her the Zantac.  He really feels that she looks good and has good spirits so we should leave all alone.  A kind of "watch and see" attitude and "let's not mess with anything that seems to be agreeing with Cora."  I left there feeling relieved and grateful for this doctor's time in Cora's life.  I also left there with some sadness.  The nurse who usually helps with Cora's vitals and EKG (Katie) was a little sad knowing that Cora won't be traveling to Marquette for her cardiac care anymore.  Changes are good but they sometimes leave us feeling a melancholy.  I will miss these women and this doctor who have been such a driving force in Cora's cardiac care.

Today found us with Early On in the house.  Cora greeted Jan with a smile and even snuggled with her.  Although Jan has been unable to visit since October when Early On was put on hold, Cora was all snuggles when she saw Jan. Once Veronica got Cora down on the blanket for Cora's training and therapy Veronica was greeted with lots of smiles as well.  Cora was very open to starting the therapy again and I was glad to see her tolerating it well.  It used to be that when she had physical and occupational therapy everyone had to give lots of breaks to Cora and we were all so watchful for the purple tinge around lips and nose.  Today Cora made it through both physical and occupational therapies without turning purple, gasping for breath, or crying for help.

Such a beautiful thing to see Cora regaining her strength and learning new things.  Early On is such a blessing of a program.  Without it I wouldn't be able to offer Cora physical and occupational therapy at this point in her life.  The Early on team are also adding a teaching session for Cora.  This is something new that I was excited to hear about.  Becky, the woman who will be coming for this part of therapy, will come once a month and teach Cora signs to back up the signing I am teaching Cora and encourage Cora with different types of learning play.

So this evening leaves me with a tired but happy baby girl.  Cora is definitely a hard worker and she deserves every achievement that comes from it!
Cora wore out from the 6 hour trip to Marquette yesterday and the Early On therapy today

Jan, with Early On Program (she is retiring and will be greatly missed)
 lt to rt : Becky, Jan, Veronica 
The awesome Early On Team that worked with Cora today

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