Just then Beauty meandered into the living room and stopped beside the playpen and "talked" to me. Yes, this kitten talks to all of us in the house. Sweet little kitten meows that make total sense to her and leave all of us bewildered at times. Beauty then looked into the playpen and "talked" to Cora. Cora instantly flipped herself in the direction of the kitten and searched for her. Cora used both her legs and her trunk for this and I had an epiphany.
(( Now, some of you might not agree with what I did next and I am sorry if you are worried for Cora's safety. Please note that I don't leave Cora in her playpen unattended when the kitten is in the house, and I did not leave Cora unattended the whole time she and Beauty played together.))
Having grown up on a farm and being a professional life coach that uses horses for healing I understand the power that animals have when it comes to children. I have also seen when animals are used as messengers. When Beauty sat beside the playpen and looked at Cora and "talked" I believed that I was given an answer to a dilemma.
I scooped up Beauty and put her in the playpen with Cora. I positioned Beauty in the corner away from Cora and watched what happened. I wish you could have seen how Cora's face lit up and Cora even giggled a little. She got the biggest grin on her face and started kicking her legs, and pushing with her legs and arms to try and get to Beauty. The whole time this five month old kitten just sat there and watched Cora. At one point the kitten and Cora were having their own conversation. I wanted so badly to video tape it but have yet to figure out how to get them posted on this blog. Cora spent her time trying to reach the kitten and finally succeeded and grabbed Beauty's tail. I jumped up to loosen Cora's hold before the kitten got mad, but my help wasn't needed. Beauty just looked at Cora and meowed to her and gently stood up and shifted her position. She did this so quietly and with such kindness and just enough movement to break Cora's hold. I stood there amazed and in awe of this kitten because the kitten was teaching Cora safe play and boundaries. This play and exercise went on for a half hour before Cora got tired. when I saw Cora getting tired I took Beauty out of the playpen and was rewarded with a soft meow.
My dilemma of how to get Cora using her legs more was solved...and who would have thought it was sent in the form of a little calico fur ball that "talks" Cora's language.
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