Monday, December 12, 2011

Joy...not remorse

Living in gratitude and with joy gets us so much further in life.  I could dwell in the "poor me" and "poor Cora" thoughts.  I could do that.  I choose not too.  I am living with gratitude and with joy.

I am grateful that the creator thought I  have what it takes to mother a child with Down syndrome.  I am joyful at each and every accomplishment that Cora achieves.

Today was our last day for a while of seeing Dr. Statler due to her contract not being renewed at Mackinaw Straits hospital.  Their loss will be someone else's immense gain.  It was hard knowing that Cora would be two or four months of  not seeing the only pediatrician that she has knows since birth.  Even harder today because of Cora continuing to lose weight.  Her weight was down another couple of ounces and Doc and I are both concerned....but not pushing the panic button.  Knowing that we would be going back to the local clinic for Cora's care is ok, it's just hard to adjust to the changes that come our way. 

This week will be the last time Cora sees Dr. Christansen in Marquette as he is moving his practice as well.  That will also be a hard visit.  Both doctors hold a special place in their hearts for Cora and how much of a champion she has become within their lives and other's.  Cora's blog has sometimes been a reference point for other patients.  I don't know who they are and don't need to know, the doctor's just let me know that they share the blog with patients and friends and it is reaching many people and helping many people.

It is during this time of change that I must once again become an advocate for Cora and become her voice and trust in the new doctor's that will be giving her care.  A leap of faith one might say.  The thoughts could begin with something as simple as "What if they aren't familiar with Down syndrome?" and snowball into "What if they aren't open to information I can offer?" and avalanche into "What if they don't take the time to get to know Cora and can be proactive in her care instead of reactive?" 

What would that gain for Cora?  NOTHING.  Choosing to be grateful and in joy keeps things moving along smoothly.  I am grateful for the care and love these two doctors have been able to share with Cora.  I trust them to refer us to equally capable doctor's. 

I don't know where our journey will lead us, or to which new town we will begin traveling for the appointments.  But I know this... I am choosing to live in gratitude and not remorse.  Because I am ever grateful for this day and that Cora is a living part of it.  And I am thrilled that the little feet which travel with me have "sandal toes".


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