The one drawback was Dr. Statler finding that Cora's legs are not as strong as they once were and that the legs seem to be lacking some of the muscle tone. Early On is on my list of first calls! Getting her back into her therapies will be a definite help with the strength issues and the muscle tone.
Cora has lost 2 ounces since last week. Medicines and formula recipe are all the same so there is a little question as to why Cora is losing weight. But no one is pushing the panic button and it is a wait and see kind of thing for now. We will have more information on the weight issue next week when Cora is again seen by Dr. Statler.
Once the exam was over it was again time for the blood draw. As I waited for the lab techs to come to Cora's exam room I tried to remain optimistic. When Mike and Chuck came into the room I was overjoyed with relief. These two guys are phenomenal at getting blood work from Cora. I gave them my biggest smile and when they saw it was Cora, they were excited to see her doing so well. One try...yep....ONE TRY and Mike had all the blood Dr. Statler and Dr. Christansen needed. I gave huge compliments to the two guys and made the statement that if Cora needs blood work she will continue to go to Mackinac Straits Hospital and we will be looking for Mike and Chuck. That seemed to make their day. All that blood work and just a little cry from Cora and even a smile in between for the two guys and then another little cry and it was over. So much better for Cora and less stressful for her as well.
Then it was off to Glens to find Cora's formula that had to be special ordered. Glen's market was wonderful at helping me get what Cora needed. I will be glad when Cora is done with the Enfaport though, it has a horrendous smell to it and is not very appetizing at all.
Cora is again back to eating from the spoon (with help of course) and enjoying her foods. I think she loves the fact that she can eat on demand instead of having everything go through the NG tube. She seems to really be enjoying the taste of different things. Cora started to actually making a chewing motion with her mouth today when she was eating her cereal and veggies. I love watching her learn new things and again see her only as a baby and not a baby with Down syndrome.
So yesterday and today leaves me feeling fulfilled and proactive in Cora's life. The challenges still remain daily, but at least I have a little glimpse of what those challenges are and can somewhat prepare for them as them come along. But then again, who can prepare for life as it presents itself. The best thing I can do for Cora is continue to be proactive in her therapies and needs instead of reactive after the fact.
Now, on to calling Early On and getting therapy in order for Cora.
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