I was given exercises by the Early on team to work with Cora on. Cora and I have spent some times doing these throughout the last couple of days. I just find a few minutes here and there and don't push Cora past her physical limit right now.
When I see Cora reaching for a toy that she wants I hold it above her mid line and encourage her to reach up with her hands and grab the toy. Early On suggested that I hang a rope across her playpen and hang items that Cora really likes from the middle of that rope, but within hand reach and foot reach. I got right on this and built a little chain out of her toy links and hung her three favorite toys from the chain.
Cora watched all of this with interest and had been staring at these toys for a few minutes when I took her hands and reached them up to touch the toys. During the next few days I would stop and encourage her to do this at different times. Spending no more than five minutes each time. If I spent more time than this with her she would want to be picked up instead of playing in the playpen and exercising those muscles that she needs to build strength in.
On Wednesday I was walking by her playpen and noticed that she was grabbing her toys successfully with her hands and shaking them....all from a mid line grab and hold. Then all of a sudden she kicked her legs up and hit one of the toys. It rattled. She stopped and looked at me and smiled. Then she did it again....once she realized that every kick would make the rattle swing and jingle she spent all her time grabbing one toy and kicking the others.
So, Early on team, Cora has successfully achieved mid line grab and mid line kick.....now what? Because she has just thrown the six month goal sheet a curve - in a spectacular way.
Wooohoooo!!! :D