Sunday, April 15, 2012

If your happy and you know it......

Clap your hands!  Cora has figured out how to clap her hands.  Since she realized this will illicit a joyful noise and happy claps from those who see her do it, she has spend the majority of her time clapping her hands. 

Friday was the magic day for this new milestone to appear.  I had to take Cora to Petoskey for another hearing test.  While there Robin the audiologist asked Dayna to help distract Cora.  Robin put the ear piece into Cora's left ear and Dayna blew bubbles in front of her.  Cora was so happy to see the bubbles that she lifted her hands up and clapped.  Like she had been clapping for months, as simple as that.  Clap!  Clap!  Clap!  It was music to my ears.

The testing took awhile since Cora's left ear was not responding to the test, but this didn't bother Cora because she was totally engrossed in the bubbles appearing from the bubble wand and floating in front of her.  Finally the test was over and Cora passed on both ears.  This in itself is a miracle as Cora was born deaf and didn't pass her first couple of hearing tests.

A magical day indeed.  A passedt hearing test and a clapping Cora.  If your happy and you know it clap your hands....and Cora will keep clapping right along with you.

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