Monday, May 14, 2012

Cora struggles.....a little

Went for the usual appointment with Cora today.  Her length is 27 1/4" and her weight is still at 14 lbs and 15 ounces.  This is no change since two weeks ago.  Sigh!

What to do?  Love her with everything I have....and then some.  Cora greeted everyone today with a smile and some silly jabbering.  This is always nice to see and hear because Cora can still be very choosy about who she will talk with and smile at and she definately won't let many people hold her.

She is doing all the stuff that babies do, even pushing a little with her arms, just not gaining weight.  Insert another sigh here!

Tonight finds Cora snuggling up for her evening bottle and while she drinks she dozes and gently touches her palm to my mouth.  She loves the evening hand kisses and as we exchange a knowing look I feel my heart skip a beat with that slight fear that something is not quite right.

Go away, I tell that thought.  Come on in, I tell another thought, this one has me smiling back into those blue eyes and I say out loud, "Trust me Cora.  We can get through this too."

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