Friday, March 2, 2012

Grandmother's Love

Cora is fortunate to live close to her grandparents.  My folks share the farm that we live on so they have their house about 300 yards from our house.  You would think that means we are at each other's houses quite often.  The truth is that we rarely see each other.

 My parent's lives are full and busy.  They both work, they are both pastors of a church and they have several meetings on the week nights at their church building.  The kids and I have school, appointments and everyday doings that fill our life.  In reality , Cora sees her grandparents about once a week....if schedules mesh well.  So when I get asked, "How in the heck can you live so close to your parents and not get aggravated with them?"  I politely explain the above scenario.

I believe that in today's world my kids are fortunate.  They can run across the front field and visit with their grandparents if they see my folks car in the driveway.  Most kids cannot do this.  We live in a time when our traditions and cultures are the last thought in most minds and where instant gratification is the forefront of any service.  My kids are learning to not take for granted the love and acceptance my parents share with them.  They are so lucky to be able to learn from the wisdom of an elder family member, to sit and listen to stories of their grandparent's childhood and their grandparent's parent's childhoods. 

In a time of my life when I see and hear of so many of my class mates losing their parent's, I am so very grateful that Cora is sharing this time with my parents.  On a cold winter day at naptime I can think of no greater place for Cora  than in her "GG Kramer's" arms.  It is here that she is given a lifetime of stories, is surrounded with total acceptance, complete love.....and shared snores.

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