Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cora and education

Early on came this week.  It was for the education/speech part of Cora's therapies.  It was a very interesting conversation and one that left me with many thoughts.

We discussed again the idea of Cora starting school and where I was thinking of having her go?  I asked when they were thinking of Cora starting school and then found out that Early on works in the home with the child until they are three years old, at that time the child is transferred to a preschool type setting.  No worries though, the child is put in a car seat on the bus and there is a caretaker for each child while they ride the bus.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  That was the main thought that ran through my mind.  Then I opened my mouth and started to verbalize..... "That isn't going to happen.  No way and No how! "  The women looked at me with a surprised look.  I then put on my advocate hat for Cora and said, "Just because Cora is labeled as special needs, does not mean that I want her to attend the special needs classes in Rudyard.  Yes, its a good program and yes the children are taken care of, but I don't want Cora pigeon holed either.  I would like her to have the social interaction with other children, yet I don't think that a special needs school is where Cora needs to be at."   At this point Ann looked at me and smiled and said "I agree". 

To often our children with Down syndrome are looped immediately into the "special needs" category without any thought to their level of learning or capabilities.  Cora doesn't have brain damage, she doesn't have lack of body functions, she doesn't have problem interacting with others and can make direct eye contact.  She likes to be held and cuddled.  She doesn't have a problem with having her body hygiene or genreal life tasks attended too.  How does a parent grade the level of special need?

So much of the information that I find , am given and am told is about what Cora cannot do and what to not expect from this child.  Where is the encouraging information and the information on what she can do or could be able to do?

The result of my conversation with Early on?  I will be getting in touch with the director of the Wee Wisdom program here in Pickford and see what that program has to offer a three year old child and then talk about their willingness to accept Cora into their program for part of the day.  In the two years leading up to that time I will continue to work on signing with Cora, reading and teaching her the -Your Baby Can Read- program and loving her the best way possible. .... as a mama with a cute baby does.
Cora looking for things for her pony

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