Friday had us at the Pickford Medical clinic for Cora's synergist vaccine. The vaccine hadn't arrived so it was rescheduled to be given in the coming week. It didn't hurt my feelings any to have to wait as Cora was still incredibly sore from the four shots she had gotten earlier in the week.
But the scale showed more weight gain for Cora. Leslie came into the exam room ecstatic with good cheer and admitted to wanting to do cartwheels in the hallway when she had read how much Cora was weighing these days. Cora had a weight of 13 lbs. 12 ounces. This is an average weight gain of an ounce a day!
Cora was not as energetic as she was with Dr. Statler but she stilled smiled, and showed off a little for Leslie. To see the difference in this child is absolutely amazing for us. We have seen her blossoming in the past weeks since shifting her medicines and with the energy therapies. It is all working for Cora and such a relief to have something going right for her.
Today is Sunday and Cora is still fighting the fever and the tummy upset that followed her flu and other vaccines. It doesn't seem to slow her down any, just makes for a few more nap times during the day. She accepts this low grade fever and tummy upset like she does everything else she has faced. She just demands a few more snuggles and cuddles and then smiles at the rest of it.
I am inspired by this child of mine. Her perseverance and genuine aptitude for love and giving. She continues to encourage me in this journey we travel together. While I strive to raise her like I have raised her siblings, there is definitely many differences on Cora's journey. The cost of raising Cora is triple what it was compared to her siblings and the allowances that she needs is twice what her siblings needed. While most times I don't even see the "special needs" in Cora, it is always a lingering fact in other areas of our life together.
I am coming up on a year of Cora sharing her life with me and her siblings. I can still smell the exam room, even describe every last detail of that room if you ask, and I remember those words of Dr. Wilder when he confirmed that Cora would be born with Down syndrome. In looking back I remember how determined I was that Cora deserved life, despite the fact that I was scared beyond words.
As I write this I look at Cora in her playpen and listen to the baby jabber and watch the intense look on her face as she plays with the toy in her hand. A whole year is coming up quick and we will be celebrating it with a birthday party. Such a wonderful gift, this growing baby girl. I think I even see the tiny beginnings of a double chin, that in itself is cause for celebration.
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