Today was Cora's appointment for her energy work. This work helps her to release any negative experience her body might be holding also gives the girl an
amazing massage. When Diane arrived to work with Cora I was introduced to the idea of allowing Diane's son, Darrel, to work with Cora's energy through a biofeedback program. He was visitng from Colorado and is trained in this area and brought his machine with him to help Cora.
I have known Darrel since we were kids and I also know, without a doubt, that he would never do anything that would cause Cora harm. Once the process was explained and tried on me, I agreed to allow him to do the energy work on Cora.
If any of you have doubts that this kind of work doesn't work let me just say this, Cora did not start gaining weight until after her first energy work session with Diane.
Cora was very cooperative in holding the two brass cylinders in her hands and was fascinated with the whole process. Here is a short hand version of what the computer read from the biofeedback of Cora's energy. Keep in mind that the only information the biofeedback program had was Cora's name and medical history was inputed for her file.
She was low in healing energy (out of frequency) in these areas:
lungs, lymphatic system, gallbladder, central nervous system and parathyroid.
All of these have been affected by her health problems since her birth. She has retained water in her lungs and body. Her gallbladder is directly related to the liver (which was enlarged until recently) and her thyroid helps regulate metabolism ( too much and there is lack of weight gain).
The program also pointed out that Cora is allergic to tuna, cheese and wheat. Not to the point of having a severe reaction but her body is sensitive to these foods and it might aggravate how she processes her digestion.
If I doubted what the biofeedback would do for Cora, I no longer have those doubts. After the session Cora took a quick ten minute nap and since than has been playful and "full of it". She has been displaying the most energy we have seen from her in about two weeks.
Hoopla? Impossible? I don't know. I am not here to argue the good and bad of biofeedback energy therapy. I just go by what I see. Cora is an open book for this kind of therapy. She does not have the prejudging idea of whether or not it will work for her. She sits and embraces it with trust as she knows I would not hurt her. She knows that Diane won't hurt her. And with that trust comes a kind of healing that her body seems to be thriving with...and for me, that's the right kind of feedback this mama wants to hear and see!
**Quantum Biofeedback Therapy and How it
Quantum Biofeedback stimulates the body’s immune and energy
systems in order to promote energy flow, while releasing stress previously caused by imbalanced
How does it work?
Quantum Biofeedback is an advanced
therapeutic technology based on Quantum physics. It scans for and detects over
10,000 common health factors - from everyday allergies to chronic illness.
The system then delivers therapies from this advanced device, back to your
body to correct these imbalances and suggest lifestyle changes to maintain your
new state of health. It can be used with just about any health condition.**