Being a parent of a child with Down syndrome is a continuing learning experience. Cora found another word to add to her verbal skills and it is "Me". A great new success for Cora as it is really amazing to watch her sign and speak the "Me" word when it is needed. I, however, could have waited for this new word to become a part of her vocabulary.
We have reached a point in Cora's activities where nothing goes unseen by this baby girl! No more sneaking chocolate muffins or ice cream. Cora will crawl right over to you, point and say "Dat!" and then sign "eat". I tell her that mama is eating ice cream and ask her if she wants some and to this she replies..."me,me,me,me" and again signs "eat".
Gone are the days of reading a book while she plays content in her surroundings of toys and stuffed animals. While I read my book I will feel a tap on my knee and find Cora has dragged one of her books over to have me read to her.
What an absolute blessing that those days are gone and have been replaced by Cora's interaction. Cora's patience is building again and it is so much fun to watch her sitting in her yellow chair and watching her signing videos or "my baby can read" videos. She mimics the signs that babies are doing and will mimic the sound of the word that is being displayed on the screen. During this half hour learning time she is a real joy to watch.
She is developing her love of music. While music plays softly in the background during the day she can be seen stopping her playing of toys and starting to do her booty dance when a song has grabbed her attention with a snazzy beat. Although she does seem to favor the classical songs.
Yes, our little Cora is growing up and prospering in her life. Changing rapidly and gaining ground as each day passes. As this month of Down syndrome awareness comes to a close don't let the awareness end. Remain Cora's champion and a champion of a loved one who might also have Down syndrome. Stand firm and solid on this journey with us as she continues to pass milestones markers along the way. Raise you arms and shout with happiness "ME! ME! ME!" when Cora looks around for those that continue to support her journey and love her the way Creator made his image and blessed!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Cora stands up
Cora stands up for her rights to be treated as an individual. Her right to be treated as a child first and a child with Down syndrome second. She stands up for her right to be recognised as an individual, not seen as Down syndrome. Then again, she just stands up because she can!
These past few days Cora has achieved a couple of new milestones. She was playing with her rocking horse and with other toys on the floor when she decided she wanted to see what I was doing in the kitchen. At that point, she merely climbed up and over the back of the rocking horse and into the kitchen. To do this, she had to get on her knees, stand up on her toes and then crawl over the back of the horse. I was so excited to see her do this that I asked her to do it again and again. It soon became a game with laughter from both Cora and I.
Then, a few days later, she really wanted to see what was on the wall behind me as we were sitting together on the couch. She was in my lap, facing me, and she leaned forward while putting her hands n my chest and stood up. Simple and easy as can be.
Early on came and worked more on this skill with her and gave me pointers to help her continue in this direction while not hyper extending her knees backwards.
She has also started saying "DAT?" when she is pointing to objects that interest her. There are times when she says "WAT DAT?" as well. Her language skills are blossoming as well as her signing skills. I still look at her in amazement and wonder at her growth. Cora has become a skilled master at getting her point across because if you don't look at what she is pointing to and asking "DAT" about, she will grab your face and turn it to look in the direction of her pointing!
Yes, this week has been a wonderful adventure on this journey and a week full of more firsts and passed milestones for beautiful Cora. Cora stands up for interesting things as well as learning how to keep on surprising those that enjoy this walk with her. I am so thankful that I get to stand right there beside her and continue to watch her milestones...
These past few days Cora has achieved a couple of new milestones. She was playing with her rocking horse and with other toys on the floor when she decided she wanted to see what I was doing in the kitchen. At that point, she merely climbed up and over the back of the rocking horse and into the kitchen. To do this, she had to get on her knees, stand up on her toes and then crawl over the back of the horse. I was so excited to see her do this that I asked her to do it again and again. It soon became a game with laughter from both Cora and I.
Then, a few days later, she really wanted to see what was on the wall behind me as we were sitting together on the couch. She was in my lap, facing me, and she leaned forward while putting her hands n my chest and stood up. Simple and easy as can be.
Early on came and worked more on this skill with her and gave me pointers to help her continue in this direction while not hyper extending her knees backwards.
She has also started saying "DAT?" when she is pointing to objects that interest her. There are times when she says "WAT DAT?" as well. Her language skills are blossoming as well as her signing skills. I still look at her in amazement and wonder at her growth. Cora has become a skilled master at getting her point across because if you don't look at what she is pointing to and asking "DAT" about, she will grab your face and turn it to look in the direction of her pointing!
Yes, this week has been a wonderful adventure on this journey and a week full of more firsts and passed milestones for beautiful Cora. Cora stands up for interesting things as well as learning how to keep on surprising those that enjoy this walk with her. I am so thankful that I get to stand right there beside her and continue to watch her milestones...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The rain makes things grow
Cora has spent the last few days in the house because we have been getting so much rain. Sometimes it has been raining so much, I have made jokes about reserving a suite on the next Ark that is being built. With the rain comes growth. The rain nourishes the ground and readies it for spring. It supplements some of the moisture that has been lost over the summer, it gives way for rapid moving water in the creek that allows the beaver to move their logs for the dam. I enables things to grow and expand.
In keeping with the time of year, Cora is also growing and gaining momentum. The last few days have been a blessing for Cora and her desire to stand and support herself. With added interaction of the siblings who are also stuck in the house, this means added playtime for Cora. During one of these play times the girls had put one of the toys that Cora was incredibly interested in on the back of the couch cushion. They helped Cora to figure out that to reach the toy meant standing up on Emily's knees and getting the toy. Once Cora realized that she could reach further and if she stood up the world looked different, she was into trying over and over. Eventually she gained so much confidence that she was trying to climb up onto the couch. Huge muscle improvement, tone and coordination for Cora.
With the rain we receive blessings. Sometimes they are obvious and stare us in the face and sometimes we recognize them after they happen. Either way, a blessing is the result of living in gratitude. I am grateful for the rain. The rain caused the older sisters to be in the house. The older sisters being in the house gave Cora more playtime with people other than mama. Other people playing meant there were several different approaches and ideas to achieving the goal of Cora standing up on her own. The result? I was gifted with the blessing of getting to see Cora learn a new ability, achieve another milestone and watch the fascination on her face as she grasped the whole concept.
Rain definitely washes away the old and brings in the new and fresh. Is the rain washing away some old stuff in your life and bringing in the new and fresh blessing? If so, live in gratitude with Cora. Because right now she is standing up by the couch and smiling in gratitude and achievement to anyone who will look her way! Yes, the rain is definately a blessing.
Cora taking a break from the standing exercises and relaxing in big sisters lap.
In keeping with the time of year, Cora is also growing and gaining momentum. The last few days have been a blessing for Cora and her desire to stand and support herself. With added interaction of the siblings who are also stuck in the house, this means added playtime for Cora. During one of these play times the girls had put one of the toys that Cora was incredibly interested in on the back of the couch cushion. They helped Cora to figure out that to reach the toy meant standing up on Emily's knees and getting the toy. Once Cora realized that she could reach further and if she stood up the world looked different, she was into trying over and over. Eventually she gained so much confidence that she was trying to climb up onto the couch. Huge muscle improvement, tone and coordination for Cora.
With the rain we receive blessings. Sometimes they are obvious and stare us in the face and sometimes we recognize them after they happen. Either way, a blessing is the result of living in gratitude. I am grateful for the rain. The rain caused the older sisters to be in the house. The older sisters being in the house gave Cora more playtime with people other than mama. Other people playing meant there were several different approaches and ideas to achieving the goal of Cora standing up on her own. The result? I was gifted with the blessing of getting to see Cora learn a new ability, achieve another milestone and watch the fascination on her face as she grasped the whole concept.
Rain definitely washes away the old and brings in the new and fresh. Is the rain washing away some old stuff in your life and bringing in the new and fresh blessing? If so, live in gratitude with Cora. Because right now she is standing up by the couch and smiling in gratitude and achievement to anyone who will look her way! Yes, the rain is definately a blessing.
Cora taking a break from the standing exercises and relaxing in big sisters lap.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Cora's first horse
I wrote on Facebook, to all my girlfriends, that I had a confession to make. The confession involved a Christmas present and Cora. I decided to share that confession with all the blog followers.
You see, I had bought a rocking horse for Cora for her Christmas present and it arrived earlier than it was suppose too.
I let it sit in the box and looked at. I walked out of my office and did house chores. I looked at the pony again. I left and worked outside with a client. I looked at the pony again. My next thought was that I should give this wonderful first pony to Cora today and let her enjoy it right away. I looked at the rocking pony again and thought how sad it must be inside of that box, waiting for its new owner to ride it and play with it.
I mentally argued with myself, eventually losing the war of keeping the gift for Christmas and unwrapped it from the box. I pulled the horse out and realized it needed the stickers added to it. Time to call in a big sister, and that is exactly what I did. Emily came to the aid and placed all the stickers in their appropriate spots and then the pony was ready for its new owner.
Cora had sat by us and watched with fascination at it all. She kept pointing to the pony and saying "horth", "horth" and then clapping her hands. Finally she was sitting on her very first pony and they were indeed meant for each other.
The pony smiled a silly grin and Cora, after being shown how to move her upper body a few times, was rocking her "horth" and clapping her hands and losing her balance and sliding off to the side onto the floor. Always landing on her butt and then pointing to me or a sibling and patting the seat of her new pony. It was very obvious that she liked this new toy. At one point Cora was sitting in front of her pony and just looking at it. I asked her if she liked her new horse and made the sign for "horse". She looked at me, pointed at her pony and signed "baby" then leaned forward , grabbed his face with her little hands and kissed him on the nose. No question about it, she loves her new "horth".
I felt a little remorse in giving Cora this present early because this year the kids and I have a two present limit for each other this year. But I have a feeling that the older kids will completely understand if Cora still finds two presents under the tree as she has gifted all of us with many presents.
The biggest present of all? Her very agreement with Creator to take this journey within our family. Have I mentioned her smiles, laughter, hugs, funny faces, jibber jabber, baby signing, gaining weight??? You get the idea. Life itself is a present and a gift, the other stuff just makes it fun while we travel along on this journey. And apparently, rocking horses are a definate grin maker!
You see, I had bought a rocking horse for Cora for her Christmas present and it arrived earlier than it was suppose too.
I let it sit in the box and looked at. I walked out of my office and did house chores. I looked at the pony again. I left and worked outside with a client. I looked at the pony again. My next thought was that I should give this wonderful first pony to Cora today and let her enjoy it right away. I looked at the rocking pony again and thought how sad it must be inside of that box, waiting for its new owner to ride it and play with it.
I mentally argued with myself, eventually losing the war of keeping the gift for Christmas and unwrapped it from the box. I pulled the horse out and realized it needed the stickers added to it. Time to call in a big sister, and that is exactly what I did. Emily came to the aid and placed all the stickers in their appropriate spots and then the pony was ready for its new owner.
Cora had sat by us and watched with fascination at it all. She kept pointing to the pony and saying "horth", "horth" and then clapping her hands. Finally she was sitting on her very first pony and they were indeed meant for each other.
The pony smiled a silly grin and Cora, after being shown how to move her upper body a few times, was rocking her "horth" and clapping her hands and losing her balance and sliding off to the side onto the floor. Always landing on her butt and then pointing to me or a sibling and patting the seat of her new pony. It was very obvious that she liked this new toy. At one point Cora was sitting in front of her pony and just looking at it. I asked her if she liked her new horse and made the sign for "horse". She looked at me, pointed at her pony and signed "baby" then leaned forward , grabbed his face with her little hands and kissed him on the nose. No question about it, she loves her new "horth".
I felt a little remorse in giving Cora this present early because this year the kids and I have a two present limit for each other this year. But I have a feeling that the older kids will completely understand if Cora still finds two presents under the tree as she has gifted all of us with many presents.
The biggest present of all? Her very agreement with Creator to take this journey within our family. Have I mentioned her smiles, laughter, hugs, funny faces, jibber jabber, baby signing, gaining weight??? You get the idea. Life itself is a present and a gift, the other stuff just makes it fun while we travel along on this journey. And apparently, rocking horses are a definate grin maker!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cora declares joy and simplicity
Early On came and left a little yellow chair to practice with. They want her to get up on her knees more and when placed in this chair backward, with me behind her to help brace her knees, she can raise up on her knees and use her hands to push up her upper body. Now, for Cora, this was fun! For the Early On team it was all in a days work.
They showed her how to do this a couple of times and all of a sudden she was doing it and reaching for toys that were held up to encourage her moving in the right direction. Cora thought this yellow chair was the absolute most beautiful toy in her whole play yard and the Early On team was kind enough to leave it with me to help Cora gain strength and practice.
To see the most simple of things bring Cora such joy reminds me to look around and find joy in things that I might be taking for granted. Yes, this past 18 months has been difficult and a huge strain on my finances, but in all we are incredibly lucky. I still have a roof over our heads, food on the table and heat in the house as the winter fast approaches. I have a chair to sit in and a table to sit at for meals with my children.
As I write this today Cora is again in her play yard playing with the yellow chair. At the moment she has her feet underneath it, her head in the corner of it and she is singing with all the power her lungs can muster. She likes the echo sound it is making, I like the joy I hear her singing with. Today Cora's theme is gratitude and joy in the simple things. What is your theme? Is it simple and full of gratitude? If not, let Cora share some of her joy with you....but first you need a chair!!
They showed her how to do this a couple of times and all of a sudden she was doing it and reaching for toys that were held up to encourage her moving in the right direction. Cora thought this yellow chair was the absolute most beautiful toy in her whole play yard and the Early On team was kind enough to leave it with me to help Cora gain strength and practice.
To see the most simple of things bring Cora such joy reminds me to look around and find joy in things that I might be taking for granted. Yes, this past 18 months has been difficult and a huge strain on my finances, but in all we are incredibly lucky. I still have a roof over our heads, food on the table and heat in the house as the winter fast approaches. I have a chair to sit in and a table to sit at for meals with my children.
As I write this today Cora is again in her play yard playing with the yellow chair. At the moment she has her feet underneath it, her head in the corner of it and she is singing with all the power her lungs can muster. She likes the echo sound it is making, I like the joy I hear her singing with. Today Cora's theme is gratitude and joy in the simple things. What is your theme? Is it simple and full of gratitude? If not, let Cora share some of her joy with you....but first you need a chair!!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Cora likes chocolate!
She is her mother's daughter for sure! With so many birthdays in this house the past week, there has been plenty of birthday cake. To many to keep eating in front of Cora and not offering her a bite of the yummy stuff.
Cora celebrated birthday's with her mama (45 and proud), her big sister Kelsey (22) and her big sister Melissa (20). Melissa is back home for a little while again and Cora has been having fun showing off for her big sister.
The cold months are settling in and so is the family, and this winter will be a new one for Cora. Last year she was to sick to even learn what snow felt like or tasted like. I hope to change all that this year. With a continued outlook on life that only leaves room for learning and moving up in the world I have been taking advantage of Cora's interest in everything and continue to introduce her to the world that surrounds her.
This is also the month of Down syndrome awareness, so please, in support of Cora and her journey open up someones eyes to the beauty that Down syndrome has to offer. Encourage someone to accept rather than judge and remember that society is harder to overcome that Cora's Down syndrome.
So with a smiley chocolaty face- Cora sends her continued blessings and is walking hand in hand with you on this wonderful journey that Down syndrome has made for us. In the good times and in the rough times, her hope and smiles have continually brought a hint of the promise the future holds for her. Walk in that same faith and share the way Cora has touched your life and open the door for her success by raising awareness of how precious Down syndrome really is.
Cora celebrated birthday's with her mama (45 and proud), her big sister Kelsey (22) and her big sister Melissa (20). Melissa is back home for a little while again and Cora has been having fun showing off for her big sister.
The cold months are settling in and so is the family, and this winter will be a new one for Cora. Last year she was to sick to even learn what snow felt like or tasted like. I hope to change all that this year. With a continued outlook on life that only leaves room for learning and moving up in the world I have been taking advantage of Cora's interest in everything and continue to introduce her to the world that surrounds her.
This is also the month of Down syndrome awareness, so please, in support of Cora and her journey open up someones eyes to the beauty that Down syndrome has to offer. Encourage someone to accept rather than judge and remember that society is harder to overcome that Cora's Down syndrome.
So with a smiley chocolaty face- Cora sends her continued blessings and is walking hand in hand with you on this wonderful journey that Down syndrome has made for us. In the good times and in the rough times, her hope and smiles have continually brought a hint of the promise the future holds for her. Walk in that same faith and share the way Cora has touched your life and open the door for her success by raising awareness of how precious Down syndrome really is.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Cora keeps on ticking
Just like those energizer rabbit commercials where the rabbit keeps on going and going and going....well, that's Cora lately. She has more energy than ever and she just keeps on going. The past week has been incredibly busy with life and Cora has added humor and grace to the moments that have filled the past week.
Gone is the baby who is content to sit back and watch the world go by. In her place a new baby has emerged. One that will grab your face and turn your head to look at what she wants you to look at. If pointing hasn't gotten your attention, then her hands will eagerly turn your face to look at the object. She is no longer content to just look either, she wants to go to whatever has caught her attention and she wants you to let her touch it, and feel it, and explain to her what it is. Cora will watch you intently as you show her the sign for the new object.
Full of life! That's a great way to describe Cora right now. She is full of life and enthusiasm. While waiting in the Doctor's office for her weekly weigh in this morning, she was staring intently at the gentleman who was also waiting for his appointment. She would babble at him and then laugh. Cora pointed to him and signed "papa" and kept on talking away. This man gave her a polite smile and commented on how happy Cora was and how engaging she could be with another person. I told him that if Cora wasn't happy or smiling then something was wrong, because Cora was usually a happy baby.
Her weight today was a whopping 20 lbs 4 ounces and she is 30 inches long. Cora continues to take her RELIV nutrition everyday and RELIV continues to enable her body to heal itself. How you ask? Well, in a recent visit with the pediatric cardiologist we found that her left ventricle and atrium are now the normal shape and size for Cora's body length and weight. This has never been the case for Cora's heart and the cardiologist was astounded at the physical changes that had taken place with Cora's heart. I was amazed as well.
Cora is now signing 16 words and speaking 6 words verbally. She can sign in a two and three word sentences. She is starting to pull herself up into a semi kneeling position for reaching objects on tables and couches and she can army crawl faster than her mama can catch her sometimes! Cora has also started the separation anxiety and has no hesitation in letting someone know that she doesn't want to be held by them or have me out of her sight. Cora has grown physically and cognitively in these past 4 months of being on RELIV and with every one's prayers and Creator's grace she will continue in both those areas.
Does she owe all this progress and change to RELIV? I believe so. It wasn't until she started taking these wonderful products that the healing truly began and Cora was able to start taking an active part in her own journey. With prayers abound and nutrition offered in a time of desperation, Cora keeps giving all the doctors pause in their daily work. They pause and wonder at the miracle they see happening....I just smile and say a prayer of gratitude. Are there more moments of worry on this journey, absolutely! Yet, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter. Especially when I witness the miracle of healing happening right in front of me.
For again, I don't know what Cora and Creator have planned on this journey...I am just grateful that I am open to the ideas and changes that need to happen in order for Cora to fulfill the purpose she and Creator have designed.
Cora signing "more", I had tickeled her to get her to laugh for the picture and she wanted more tickles.
Gone is the baby who is content to sit back and watch the world go by. In her place a new baby has emerged. One that will grab your face and turn your head to look at what she wants you to look at. If pointing hasn't gotten your attention, then her hands will eagerly turn your face to look at the object. She is no longer content to just look either, she wants to go to whatever has caught her attention and she wants you to let her touch it, and feel it, and explain to her what it is. Cora will watch you intently as you show her the sign for the new object.
Full of life! That's a great way to describe Cora right now. She is full of life and enthusiasm. While waiting in the Doctor's office for her weekly weigh in this morning, she was staring intently at the gentleman who was also waiting for his appointment. She would babble at him and then laugh. Cora pointed to him and signed "papa" and kept on talking away. This man gave her a polite smile and commented on how happy Cora was and how engaging she could be with another person. I told him that if Cora wasn't happy or smiling then something was wrong, because Cora was usually a happy baby.
Her weight today was a whopping 20 lbs 4 ounces and she is 30 inches long. Cora continues to take her RELIV nutrition everyday and RELIV continues to enable her body to heal itself. How you ask? Well, in a recent visit with the pediatric cardiologist we found that her left ventricle and atrium are now the normal shape and size for Cora's body length and weight. This has never been the case for Cora's heart and the cardiologist was astounded at the physical changes that had taken place with Cora's heart. I was amazed as well.
Cora is now signing 16 words and speaking 6 words verbally. She can sign in a two and three word sentences. She is starting to pull herself up into a semi kneeling position for reaching objects on tables and couches and she can army crawl faster than her mama can catch her sometimes! Cora has also started the separation anxiety and has no hesitation in letting someone know that she doesn't want to be held by them or have me out of her sight. Cora has grown physically and cognitively in these past 4 months of being on RELIV and with every one's prayers and Creator's grace she will continue in both those areas.
Does she owe all this progress and change to RELIV? I believe so. It wasn't until she started taking these wonderful products that the healing truly began and Cora was able to start taking an active part in her own journey. With prayers abound and nutrition offered in a time of desperation, Cora keeps giving all the doctors pause in their daily work. They pause and wonder at the miracle they see happening....I just smile and say a prayer of gratitude. Are there more moments of worry on this journey, absolutely! Yet, there are also moments of pure joy and laughter. Especially when I witness the miracle of healing happening right in front of me.
For again, I don't know what Cora and Creator have planned on this journey...I am just grateful that I am open to the ideas and changes that need to happen in order for Cora to fulfill the purpose she and Creator have designed.

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