Friday, February 17, 2012

Cora weighs in

Had Cora at the clinic today to be weighed.  I got her ready and was waiting for the scale to zero out before I could place her on the scale and get her weighed.  While I was waiting I cradled her little body in my arms to keep her from getting chilled.  Cora laid her head on my shoulder , grabbed my shirt with her left hand and started patting my shoulder with her right hand.  I just swayed with her gently and relished in sharing the warmth with Cora in this beautiful moment.  I was feeling a little anxious and it was like Cora was telling me it was going to be OK and not to worry.  Like she was reminding me that I had agreed to not focus on weight gain and just enjoy the day to day eating.

This child of mine continues to amaze me.  After getting weighed ( Cora weighed in at 12 pounds 15 ounces - an increase of 13 ounces in the last 4 weeks!!) Cora and I made plans to meet up with her Auntie Lee and share lunch.  Once Auntie Lee joined us, Cora was greeted with smiles and at the earliest moment she found herself in Auntie's arms.  Cora did not complain and even rewarded Auntie Lee with several hugs.  Cora seemed to sense Lee's quiet mood and decided to help lighten the mood by moving Auntie's nose.  Cora helped by putting her fingers in Auntie's nose and pulling on it.  We just laughed really hard and it felt wonderful to share this moment of laughter with Cora and Lee.

When I look at Cora , I work at not building her future for her or trying to make my thoughts leap to far ahead of today. When I get asked if I am going to mainstream her in school or put her in special ed, I remind myself and the other person that she is 10 months old. It would be easy for me to leap ahead and start pondering big thoughts of tomorrow.  Yet, I stay focused on who she is and what she can do today.....not what she will be or what she will do tomorrow, or next week, or next year. 

So my lesson for today?  Its okay to think those bigger thoughts but  not to dwell on the future. The real pleasures in life come from relishing the small moments of today.  And I truly relish the moment of seeing Cora with her fingers up Auntie's nose and the look of surprise on Lee's face and the pleasure it gave me to hear the burst of laughter that followed. 

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