Cora is still in the general care and had a really hard day. She was restless all night and by this morning she was not breathing right and just not being her usual self. The smiles of yesterday were gone and in their place were frowns and restlessness . The nurses and the Doctor also noticed the change in Cora and were concerned. Off to x-ray Cora went to make sure there was not anything going on with her lungs.
Pain meds were given, and other meds were given and no change. By 1pm the x-rays were back and they were clear. The mystery continued as everyone tried to reason what was going on with Cora. Her heart sounded good so they weren't panicking. I, on the other hand, saw this behavior before in Cora and it has been during her times of heart failure.
Brenda (high school chum who works here) stopped by to visit with us today and it was a special time as it took my mind off of worry and into relaxation and laughter. It is always good to see friends that are supportive of Cora and who enjoy Cora's presence and love sharing this journey with Cora.
Later this afternoon it was noticed that Cora was not "peeing" the amount that she should be. So diuretics were increased and since her blood pressure was still all over the board the Captiprol was also increased. The idea that we were going home today was changed again to staying another night to monitor Cora.
By 6pm she had started "peeing" again and was acting more like herself. Her breathing was getting better, but now her temperature is on the cool side.
I never realized before how wonderful it is to have your child "pee" or "pooh" when you are in this situation. We threw a little dance party in the hallway when Cora finally filled a diaper so much that it looked like she had gone swimming with her diaper on. Yep, I was smiling and Cora was too. Silly though we were, it was a great moment.
We spend another night at Mott Children's Hospital, but truth be told, I am more comfortable staying than taking Cora with all this going on. I'd rather err on the side of caution.
This night will be a continual celebration of "pee" diapers and will be filled with thanks being given every time I have to change one.
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